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The Green Page
a new environmental organization called dhara (the earth) has started in bangladesh
Bangladesh Environment Protection

A new environmental organization called “Dhara (The Earth)” has started in Bangladesh

A new environmental organization called “Dhara (The Earth)” has started in Bangladesh

A new environmental organization to save the mother earth named “Dhara (The Earth)” has made its debut in Bangladesh recently.

Sultana Kamal, an advisor to the previous interim government of Bangladesh, stated that of this organization she has formed a five-person advisory committee during a press conference in Dhaka.

Sultana Kamal will be the chairperson, Rasheda K Chowdhury from the Global Campaign for Education will be the convener, and Sharif Jamil from Waterkeepers Bangladesh will be the member-secretary of the committee.

Sultana Kamal said on the occasion, “The people of Bangladesh own this country according to its constitution. It is the responsibility of its government to fulfil its duty as a protector. The government can act like a bad boss at times.

“The government has to play the role of a conservationist to protect the nature and biodiversity of the country. A new government is being formed. Hope the mistakes of the past will not be repeated. They will work with new attitudes,” she hoped.

The press conference was presided over by Rasheda K Chowdhury, Convener of GCE. She said her chair speech,

“In Bangladesh, there have been negative reactions for many years due to environmental disasters, climate change, and ecological critical situations. Environmental disaster is becoming extreme.”

“There is a need to build a big social force with everyone to deal with this crisis. The organization Dhara (The Earth) started their journey from there.

Dhara will work with local environmental activists from all over the country to protect the river and environment,” she added.

“Initially 11-point action plan was adopted. It was presented by Sharif Jamil, member secretary of the organization.

This includes organizing various groups of individuals and organizations working on the environment to assert demands for the realization of public aspirations,” she described.

Taking joint initiative with the government and related parties to keep the Mother Earth free from pollution. Encouraging the formulation and implementation of appropriate policies and laws. Mobilize affected people and communities.

Properly protect their interests and play a role in ensuring transparency, accountability. Strengthening the regional and global movement on environment and climate. Taking action plans to keep rivers, water bodies, forests, air free from encroachment and pollution and assisting in research work in this regard.

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