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Research and prevention plans to avoid disasters in the Alps
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Research and prevention plans to avoid disasters in the Alps

Research and prevention plans to avoid disasters in the Alps

by Adnan Tazvir

Mountain: A Mountain is any natural elevation of the earth’s surface which could be small or big, rising above 900 meters from the sea level. Mountains when arranged in a line is known as the range. The Himalayas, the Alps, and the Andes are mountain ranges of Asia, Europe, and South Ameica.


Hills: Those which are of size in between 300 meters to 900 meters are called hill from the sea level. In the below picture you can see Nandi hills and also a plateau which is flat land.

Hills, Hills, Hills - Turkey Trot Chicago
Hills – Turkey Trot Chicago

Plateaus: are of height 0 to 600 meters from the sea level and don’t confuse it with hill because its shape is different it is flat on the surface and hills and mountain make a conical surface better known as the peak.


Hillock: A hillock or knoll is a small hill, usually separated from a larger group of hills such as a range. Hillocks are similar in their distribution and size to small mesas or buttes. The term is largely a British one.

A small hillock
A small hillock

This particular formation occurs often in Great Britain and China. The Alps are the highest and widest mountain range in Europe.

The Alps (English: Alps, originally from the Latin Alpes,) which stretches from Germany and France to Austria and Slovenia to the east and Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein to the west. It is thought that the Alps were once a sea because of the coral, fish filament, and snail fossils found on its summit.

Martin Noze, Sea researcher and Alexander Knutsell paediatric professor at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich said: “We have found here all the remnants of the Mesozoic-era Tethys, or Neotethis Sea, and a rock a few meters in diameter.”

In fact, almost everything in the Alps is filled with fossils. There are oysters lying here and there. So many oysters may have died in a natural disaster billions of years ago. These ammonite cephalopods are thought to have lived 200 million years ago.

About four million cubic meters of the Alps have collapsed. In all, six climbers were on the scene at the time and are still missing. Shortly after that devastation, mudslides swept through the town of Bondo, causing extensive damage that is far beyond normal.

The level of damage and loss of life can be greatly reduced if timely warnings or warnings about natural disasters are received. Scientists are using a variety of technologies to take precautionary measures against major landslides in the Alps.

Hinterhornbach in the Tyrol region of Austria is not directly affected by the avalanche, but mudslides can still reach there. Scientists want to keep a close eye on the movement of mountain peaks to warn people and mountaineers just in time.

Plastic pipes have all the latest equipment for measuring distances. They can be made longer or shorter like a telescope. Even if the size of the crack increases, it can record it and at the same time transmit that information to the valley via radio signal and provide a warning signal.

If it breaks somewhere in the southern part of the mountain, its effect or signal can be felt in the northern part of the mountain. Although there is no locality, there is a trail or mountain pass preferred by mountaineers and mountain lovers. As a geomorphologist, Michael Ditz thinks, “If a mountain collapses in one fell swoop, there will be a radical change in the summit.” The more the balance changes, the more the collapse will continue.”

Florian Medlar and Simon Gilch are also flying a drone over the mountain. With the drone’s camera, Florian poses for a three-dimensional view of the mountain. It has a gap of only one to two centimetres. It is possible to identify even a small crack by looking at that picture. Under this initiative, scientists are also getting the opportunity to experiment with various surveillance technologies.

Crootblatter and his colleagues are also installing distance measuring sticks on large cracks. However, there is a problem. It has been possible to install all the measuring instruments till evening. They are hoping to warn the people and mountaineers of the valley a few days before the landslide.

Ref: Green Page

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