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effective implementation of the law must ensure the protection of the environment
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Effective implementation of the law must ensure the protection of the environment

Effective implementation of the law must ensure the protection of the environment


Bangladesh has several laws to protect the environment. However, the rule of environmental law needs to ensure effective enforcement of environmental laws and policies, which will enhance the proper application of the law and facilitate promoting a sustainable environment.

The speakers said this at a seminar organized by Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) at the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) in Dhaka.

Mohammad Golam Sarwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, University of Dhaka, presented the keynote address at the seminar on the role of law in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and good environmental governance in Bangladesh.

In the main article, Professor Sarwar highlighted the critical role of environmental law in promoting environmental governance and achieving Bangladesh’s target of SDGs by 2030. According to the survey, 9 million people have died due to environmental pollution in the last one and a half years.

Professor Mohammad Golam Sarwar’s article states that Environmental governance is essential for environmental protection, promoting the right to live in a healthy environment, and achieving SDGs.

The rule of environmental law builds on three essential elements. These include a “Strong legal framework,” “Effective political, administrative and judicial institutions, and the “Presence of information and justice.” He also mentioned that the rule of law is essential for Bangladesh to face the Corona challenge.

Environmentalist Dr. Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumdar, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Environmental Sciences at Stamford University said,

“There was a commitment to ensuring sustainable development, but there would be no pollution. However, pollution is increasing in the city and at the Upazila level due to the development. After the lockdown, air pollution increased by 60 percent, and noise pollution increased by about 34 percent.

While researching for a project for the Ministry of Environment for 2023, I saw that air and noise pollution rates are rising alarmingly. While it is possible to ensure development goals from urban to rural areas, we need to look at whether we can control its sustainability. “

The speakers said that to protect the environment, the law and the individual should become aware, and the media should play a more proactive role in protecting the environment. If the existing laws get not enforced, it will not be possible to control much of the development in the future.

The speakers said a team would form to implement the law and appoint environment officers at the Upazila level through environmental police. In addition, the playgrounds are facing official occupation.

Even after spending BDT.40 billion, it was impossible to keep the water of the Buriganga River free from pollution. The speakers expressed concern that the use of groundwater is increasing.

Dr. Sayeda Nasreen, A lawyer for Supreme Court, said, “We often call for environmental hazards to take advantage. Such as the tannery of Hazaribagh.

Although it did for good, after that, the Shitalakshya river’s condition got worse daily. Moreover, our court is sincere enough about the environment, but it is impossible to make many decisions due to a lack of specific laws.”

Professor Mustafizur Rahman, the convener of the Committee on Finance, Trade and Sustainable Development of BAPA, said,

“The environment needs to be protected to make development more sustainable. For this, environmental law must be implemented and enforced. The authority has to play a stricter role in this regard.”

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