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12:04 am | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
ganges water sharing got more importance than the biodiversity and the riverine environment
Aivee Akther Biodiversity Natural Environment

Ganges water-sharing got more importance than the biodiversity and the Riverine Environment

Ganges water-sharing got more importance than the biodiversity and the Riverine Environment


The Ganges (river) is frequently portrayed as a source of energy and irrigation water. Water sharing among India, Bangladesh and Nepal has received the most attention during this Transboundary River basin debate.

However, riverine life, biodiversity, and the river environment have become less important. It is essentially required to increase the relationship between the civil societies and the media of these three countries to improve the lives and livelihoods of this River basin.

The discussants spoke these during an event titled ‘Role of Participation Civil Society and Media in Sustainable Development of Ganges Basin’ organized by IUCN, an international organization for the conservation of nature.

Experts from Bangladesh, India, and Nepal took part in the meeting in collaboration with the Asia Foundation. They voted to strengthen the foundation of cooperation.

At the beginning of the meeting, Rakibul Amin, Country Director, IUCN, Bangladesh, said, “The ancient civilization of the people of South Asia had its origin in one of the largest river basins in the world. From ancient times, people had used this basin for agricultural and transport purposes.

But from half a century, dams have been built in the basin to generate electricity and retain irrigation water. We have to keep in mind that, these material developments should not harm the biodiversity and human life of the basin. For this, the relationship between the civic organizations and the media in the region must be enhanced.”

Kazi Faisal bin Siraj, Country Director, Asia Foundation, Bangladesh, said, “The development and demand for the livelihood of the people living in the Ganges basin should give importance. These issues need to be highlighted by the civil society and the media.”

Courtney Whitherby, deputy director of the US-based The Stimson Center, and researcher Faroa Amir highlighted recent trends in the use of river water for power generation.

According to them, “Generating electricity using river water is less expensive. However, in recent times, power generation has been declining. Because it causes damage to the river. In contrast, renewable energy sources are becoming popular.”

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