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The Green Page
How is a human life
Bangladesh Lifestyle Md Abdul Wahid Chowdhury

How is a human life?

How is a human life?

Md Abdul Wahid Chowdhury
Assistant Professor of English
Meher Degree College, Shahrasti, Chandpur

Our life is short, but our art is long. We have come to the world only for temporary, not for permanent. Different persons have different aims and desires. How can we become a good person?

At first, we shall have to acquire a lot of qualities, i.e., discipline, truthfulness, politeness, sincerity, and so on. These are the greatest ornaments in our lives.

After becoming a good person, we should have to earn practical knowledge. By getting this knowledge, we have to help the students build up their future positions. They will win the world by their presence and intelligence.

So far as I am concerned, most people only gather knowledge and information to earn their bread and butter. They do not think about their morality whenever they get a chance and are involved in illegal activities. By this process, they become wealthy for the time being.

This can never bring any glory to them. The corrupted persons are growing richer and richer, and the poor are becoming poorer and poorer.

It is the picture/culture in our present society. So, for this reason, corruption has made the country a bottomless basket.

Those involved in crimes do not think about the country’s development. They have no patriotic feelings or emotions about the country and their countrymen.

They are the kings of the dark world. They have a willpower and perseverance. They can easily handle their crimes and misdeeds.

As a person, I am not familiar with all the stages in my life. I do not know everything. So to say, all should have good qualities. In our practical life, the lessons we get from our life and nature are immeasurable. In every moment, we are learning about new things and ideas.

There is no option for achieving respect and honor without becoming a good person. Without respect, a man cannot lead his life smoothly. Character is the glory of human life.

We can strongly say that to become a good person, we shall understand our own life and discover the qualities we need to become successful. Unless we become good people, all other qualities will go in vain.

In conclusion, we can certainly say how much land a man requires after his death …? (We should feel this morality in our innocent hearts.)

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