Local involvement is a must need to conserve forest biodiversity
Local people must need involved to ensure sustainable use of conserving forest and forest resources. For this, it is necessary to ensure the financial capability of co-management committees, which constitute locals and Government officials.
On March 27, 2023, the speakers cited these at a meeting of the Forest Co-Management Committee held at Dhaka organized by Arannayk Foundation.
In the speech of the chief guest at the meeting, Md. Imran Mahmud, Forest Conservator of Wildlife and Nature Conservation Circle, Bangladesh Forest Department, said, “Local populations will have to closely involve forest conservation and Nature protection with the Government Department.”
“Various activities of forest-dependent communities often threaten forest biodiversity,” he said. He called on people in the co-management committee to protect the environment and wildlife.
In the speech of the chair Masud Alam khan, Programmer of Arannayk Foundation, said that on saving the forest, several members of co-management committees’ such as Hiro Mia of Kaptai, Ali Ahmed & Ajgor Ali of Medhakocchpiya, Md Sadek of Rema- Kalengger had given their lives. Besides, many members of these committees got hurt on account of protecting the forest resources.
He remembrances those members of co-management committees’ contributions while saving the forest. He highlighted the co-management committee’s importance in saving the forest biodiversity and urged strengthening the committees.
Dr. Abdul Kuddus, Senior Advisor of Arannayk Foundation, said, “Forest co-management committee had a legal basis because of its contribution to conserving the forest. But these committees will have to strengthen their financial capability for sustainability.”
For this, he urged the Government’s budget allocation and expended of NGO’s CSR funds to this sector. Besides, he recommended establishing a permanent allowance system for the local petrol team and awarding the best member every year.
The speakers of the meeting said there is an opportunity to give 50% of tourism income from the protected forests area to the co-management committees. If possible, the co-management committee’s sustainable financial ability will achieve.