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Dhaka, Bangladesh
7:59 pm | March 4, 2025
The Green Page
Many South Asian Countries including India are on the verge of environmental disasters
Environment Protection Zeba Tarannum

Many South Asian Countries including India are on the verge of environmental disasters

Many South Asian Countries including India are on the verge of environmental disasters

Many South Asian Countries including India are on the verge of environmental disasters

According to experts, by the end of the 21st century, the monsoon period will become longer than usual. However, then what will cause the drought? The scenario of rising global temperature is behind this.

On average, the global temperature has risen 1.5°C to 2°C. The increasing temperature will increase the amount of water to turn into vapor. Consequently, soil moisture will reduce to a greater extent which will lead to a drought environment. On the other hand, the frequency of the rainy season will change.

Near future, the frequency of heatwaves will rise more than ever in South Asia, mainly in the Indian subcontinent. Simultaneously, the number of cyclones and droughts will increase.

R Krishnan, executive director of the Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR) said the earth’s temperature gradually rises over 50-60 years. Nevertheless, global warming will hit more strongly in the coming decades.

As a result, the number of rainy days will decrease; on the contrary, the rainfall will increase. There will be excessive rainfall in a short period.

However, why is the temperature continuing to rise? It was assumed long before that human unawareness is the leading cause behind this global warming. The allegations were repeated in the UN researcher’s report.

They think this is the consequence of the rapid urbanization that took place within the last few decades. They hope that if all the countries agree to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the temperature may stabilize, and the situation might improve.

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