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Methane gas one of the critical elements of climate change
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Pollution

Methane gas: one of the critical elements of climate change

Methane gas: one of the critical elements of climate change


The gases that are liable for Global Warming are called Greenhouse gas (GHGs). Mainly Water vapor (H2O), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Ozone (O3), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) of these seven gases are the main components of GHGs. Methane gas is one of the seventh most essential components of greenhouse gases.

In Global Warming, carbon dioxide (CO2) alone contributes 55% to change the intensity of the Earth’s greenhouse effect, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) contribute 25%, methane (CH4) 15%, and nitrous oxide (N2O) 5%.

The emission of Methane gas is mainly responsible for the ongoing climate crisis or Global Warming.

In a piece of recent news released by BBC that U.S. researchers warned, “if the continuing emissions of methane gas are not brought under strict control then the current protest against climate change will not yield very good results.”

Because it is 30 times stronger than CO2, it could hold up to 30 times the temperature of the atmosphere over a century, compared to carbon dioxide.

Robert Jackson, a scientist and researcher at Stamford University, USA, says, ‘The ongoing protests to combat climate change is more focused on carbon dioxide emission.”

 “Though there are enough reasons to do such, if we don’t get concerned about the methane emissions now, the risk will remain the same,” he warned.

We learned from the above analysis that methane gas’s effects are crucial in raising the atmospheric temperature and accelerating the climate crisis. Therefore, scientists have urged efforts to reduce methane emissions quickly.

Generally, Fossil fuels are the primary source of methane emissions. Moreover, natural gas, industrial waste, coal burning, animal dung, and waste disposal contribute to methane gas emission at a higher rate. We have also come to know about the production of methane gas from paddy fields and water bodies.

 Methane also emits from organic waste open dumping places and due to river erosions.

However, the extent of harm from their emission did not evaluate yet. However, the presence of methane gas in the sky of Bangladesh was observed through a study done by a Paris-based organization called Kairos SOS, released on April 08, 2021.

mysterious plumes of methane gas appear over bangladesh
Mysterious plumes of methane gas appear over bangladesh

On the other hand, on April 25, 2021, the USA influential media ” Bloomberg “, referencing the Ghast study, reported that the landfilled station at Matuail of the capital Dhaka, Bangladesh, is a crucial hotspot for methane emission. A little debate is going on this issue.

The lack of evidence raises questions about the possibility of a hotspot or primary source of emitting methane from a manual landfill station. Therefore, we are not going into that debate for now. Instead, we are trying to learn about the harmful aspects of methane gas and how we can stop its emissions.

Studies have shown that methane gas is one of the most harmful greenhouse gases. Methane gas produced by the decomposition of various organic matters and emissions is growing in almost every country globally. Bangladesh alone is not responsible for this.

Methane is also generating from countries that are producing paddy. During paddy irrigation, soil bacteria release enormous amounts of methane gas into the environment. In addition, industrial waste, cracks in natural gas lines, polluted fumes, and gas mixed within mineral fuels increase methane levels that spread through the wind.

However, no matter how methane gas spreads, it needs to bring under control. We have to be diligent because it is a very deadly gas. The atmospheric circulation of methane gas affects the environment drastically. It observed that methane gas had damaged the environment 80 times more than carbon dioxide in the last 20 years.

Therefore, the Ozone layer is getting more damaged, and the climate crisis becoming more deadly, ultimately increasing the severity of global warming. Not only that but because of the effects of methane, deer, a species of reindeer in the Arctic region, have become increasingly short, losing weight and dying at an early age. The increasing emission of methane gas treating several species living worldwide.

The greenhouse effect
The greenhouse effect
Ozone Layer
Ozone Layer

After reviewing and researching various facts, scientists have clarified that methane emissions need to reduce immediately. The Paris Agreement has set a target of the atmospheric temperature that should not be rose more than two degrees Celsius in this century from the temperature before the pre- Industrial Revolution, i.e. before 1750, need to ensure that.

Glacier landslides will threaten the living of human beings. Besides, sea levels raising will cause the submerging of the low-lying coastal lands. In this case, Bangladesh is at higher risk of that. Therefore, we need to act responsibly in disposing of organic waste and using fossil fuels to reduce the calamity of global warming.

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