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5:17 pm | March 12, 2025
The Green Page
mysterious treasure lies beneath the surface of antarctica
Environmental Science International Environment Natural Environment

Mysterious treasure lies beneath the surface of Antarctica

Mysterious treasure lies beneath the surface of Antarctica

A vast continent lies hidden beneath the pristine white ice of Antarctica. Although it seems like a fairy tale, the matter is actually shrouded in mystery.

So far, modern science has not completely got the cool-edge. Radio waves are sent from aircraft to find out what lies beneath the Antarctic ice.

The Antarctic ice sheet is 4.7 km thick. The depth of water there is so high, it would be equal to 5 Burj Khalifa placed one after the other.

Secrets of millions of years are hidden under the ice. Under which is the existence of life and soul. A 2022 satellite image shows cracks in a part of Antarctica. Scientists installed cameras 500 meters deep in that crack.

Objects that are moving abnormally are detected. Later, scientists realized that there are groups of tiny animals under the ice. Secret rivers like tunnels have also been found there

They discovered unique creatures, including shrimp. What these animals live on at a depth of 500 meters is also a matter of great mystery.

It is believed that once there were plants here. In 2022, a sailor in this area encountered a massive jellyfish. Which is 33 feet long.

This type of jellyfish is usually found at a depth of three thousand five hundred feet in the ocean. But the Antarctic seabed remains a mystery. The most exciting thing is that scientists have discovered a new terrain there.

The mysterious treasure has been covered under the ice of Antarctica for hundreds of thousands of years. The new terrain lies two kilometers deep in the ice. Its area is like 32 thousand square kilometers.

That is, it is bigger than Belgium in size. In the course of time, the land is covered under ice. That being said, more research is needed to know about this.

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