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7:18 pm | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
Nine innovative initiatives of the Ministry of Environment
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Bangladesh

Nine innovative initiatives of the Ministry of Environment, Bangladesh for citizen service

Nine innovative initiatives of the Ministry of Environment, Bangladesh for citizen service

By Adnan Tazvir

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Bangladesh, has decided to take and implement nine innovative initiatives to make the process of providing services to the citizens easier and to create accountability for all by increasing its quality.

The decision was taken at a meeting held at the meeting room of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, titled “Innovation Exhibition” as part of the implementation of the annual innovation action plan.

Ziaul Hasan, Secretary of  MoEFCC was present as the chief guest at the meeting. In the chaired meeting of Joint Secretary (Administration), MD. Ashfaqul Islam Babul, there were also present, Additional Secretary (Development) Ahmed Shamim Al Razi, Additional Secretary (Environment), Moniruzzaman, Additional Secretary (Climate Change), Mizanul Haque Chowdhury, Heads of Departments, and various organizations and members of the Innovation Team were also present at the meeting.

Among the initiatives taken as per the decision of the meeting, ‘issuance of environmental clearance’ from the Department of Environment (Bangladesh)  in a very short time. To this end, ‘Online Payment in ECC’ automation software will introduce an electronic treasury invoicing system and create opportunities for payment of fees.

Service recipients can easily pay the fee through Sonali Bank or Debit and Credit cards and mobile banking. In the process of ‘creating a digital database to distribute dividends to the beneficiaries of social forestry’ under the implementation of the Forest Department (Bangladesh), the public will be informed about the receipt of dividends in a short time through the mobile app and the money will be deposited online in the beneficiary’s bank account.

In case of infestation of forest nurseries, gardens or forest pests or insects through mobile app and forest tree insect and pest control activities of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, the service recipients will be able to take immediate remedial measures using the developed app.

The losses of the rubber sector will be greatly reduced by meeting the demand of the buyers through the Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation. ‘Rubber Sales Process Facilitation’ and selling the quality rubber at the right time.

The project activities can be implemented and monitored digitally through the creation of a digital database on the project activities of the Bangladesh Climate Change Trust.

National Botanical Garden of Bangladesh, through the mobile app, in the process of identifying plant specimens, the applicant will be able to fully inform the desired information through a mobile message.

In this case, there will be a system to monitor the information provided by the system dashboard, the information of the service recipient, and the service provider.

The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change will handle litigation through ‘Case Management Facilitation’ software. This will facilitate speedy disposal of cases and liaison with the Solicitor Wing and the Attorney General, preparation of case reports, and guidance to those concerned.

Measures will be taken to complete the appeal application online to save time and cost of the appellant person or organization in the process of facilitation of application or appeal disposal.  In addition, to maintain the momentum of work, an initiative will be taken to provide office stationery among the officials of the ministry in a short time.

Speaking as the chief guest, Ziaul Hasan said that it is very important for the public servants to provide services to the citizens without suffering. He further said that everyone should work relentlessly for this goal

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