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The Green Page
Scientists hope for the existence of ice holes, water and life on Mars
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environmental Science

Scientists hope for the existence of ice holes, water and life on Mars

Scientists hope for the existence of ice holes, water and life on Mars

By Adnan Mahfuz

Astronomers continue to search for life outside of Earth. 2020 is a very difficult year for the people of the world. Among them is the search for a new civilization in search of alien life.

There is good news in this joint study.

The news revolves around a video.

The video was released by the European Space Agency, which is further brightening the possibility of life on Mars.

The video shows an ice lake on Mars.

On the red planet, that ice-lake is awakening hope for life again. Researchers hope Mars has a source of water.

ESA’s Mars Express took this photo. The 82 km wide and 1.8 km deep hole is a huge reservoir of non-polar ice.
According to the European Space Agency, previous studies have shown signs of sudden water flow in some parts of Mars, but this is the first time that a permanent reservoir has been found there.

Scientists believe that the reservoir is trapped under ice due to the low density of air. Inside the Mars Express spacecraft orbiting Mars, a radar named Marsis recorded a video of the lake on Mars.

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