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9:38 am | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
The Earth Planet has started getting the result of Climate Unawareness
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

The Earth Planet has started getting the result of Climate Unawareness

The Earth Planet has started getting the result of Climate Unawareness


The people of Germany have never faced such immediate destruction and death due to flood.

Since World War II, the people of Germany have not to face such immediate destruction and death. The people here have been stunned to see the floods and the ravages of nature and the countless deaths caused by the two days of torrential rains.

This type of phenomenon is new to these people as they were previously unfamiliar with such disasters. Apart from Germany, normal floods happened in some parts of Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, and Switzerland without any significant losses.

One week before this natural disaster strike, 27 countries of the European Union have jointly taken a climate-friendly initiative. The initiative is called Fit for 55.’

The European Union took this landmark decision to save the climate.

The decision is to take effective action on all issues aimed at reducing air-polluting carbon dioxide by 55 per cent in the 28 EU member states by 2030.

The two leaders of the European Union, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, have been pushing for implementing the Paris Agreement for the past few years (in 2015).

When this horrific natural disaster struck in western Germany, the visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel was awarded an honorary doctorate by Johns Hopkins University to recognize her long contribution to climate protection.

For many years, certain industrialized, rich countries in both hemispheres have ignored climate protection in order to satisfy their whims or keep their economies afloat.

However, many countries in the Southern Hemisphere, such as Bangladesh, are always affected by climate disasters, both human lives and economics.

Environmentalists in Germany and Europe have been pressuring governments to save the global climate since the 1970s. Some citizens of these Northern Hemisphere industrialized countries, or European environmentalists, have long developed a vast network of environmental networks across Europe.

The Friday for the Future movement, which is presently sweeping the Western globe, is the most recent addition to such a movement.

Historically, European and American governments did not take floods, tidal waves, and natural calamities as seriously as they do now. All of these places are currently experiencing storms, high heat, heavy rains, and flooding.

As nature demonstrates, there is no such thing as a northern or southern hemisphere of global climate or warming. Climate change has far-reaching consequences. Its effects can be seen in both hemispheres.

Europe is increasingly moving away from coal and nuclear reactors to protect or prevent excess carbon dioxide emissions, hazardous to the climate.

By minimizing the usage of coal and nuclear reactors, Germany has become one of Europe’s leading countries in exploring and implementing alternative fuels.

During the previous two decades, Germany has gradually boosted its solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy usage. Germany is migrating to a two-tier energy system in response to environmental concerns, even though it previously used a varied range of energy sources such as coal and nuclear reactors.

The European Union has introduced a climate protection initiative called ‘Fit for 55’, which will close the registration of petrol and diesel vehicles in the coming days.

In that case, electric cars will introduce. Additional new tariffs will raise to curb harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

The minister, Ministry of Disaster Prevention and Coordination, Germany, said North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate were severely affected by the floods.

At least 110 people have died in the Schuld area of ​​Bud Noyner in the Rhineland-Palatinate state of Aurorweiler district. One hundred sixty-four people died in the two states.

Several people are still missing. Residents of the area said that their houses and basements submerged before they realized anything in the heavy rains.

Due to the flooding, large-scale landslides have occurred over a large area in Irfattad-Blasem, southwest of Cologne. The landslide has created holes in a large area in this area.

Twenty-six vehicles submerged in floodwaters have been recovered from Highway 265 near Irfattad

in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Fortunately, before the cars sank, the passengers were able to escape themselves. Now the German army’s armored vehicles are taking the cars off the road.

Six German climate scientists have recently expressed their views on German radio about a sudden natural disaster in western Germany. They say Global Warming is the leading cause of such heavy rainfalls.

Unfortunately, such extreme weather events will continue to happen in the future. Karl Friedrich Schlesner, Head of the Department of Climate Science and Analysis at the famous Humboldt University of Berlin, said,

“We know that global warming will increase the heavy rainfall.”  “Unfortunately, geographical location will lead to more frequent and catastrophic floods in western Germany and adjoining Belgium and Luxembourg,” he added.

Climate scientists said that an increase in temperature of one degree Celsius could cause the atmosphere to absorb about seven per cent more moisture.

This excess moisture caused by warming leads to higher rainfall or hefty rainfall in the end.

Due to the natural law, the amount of rain is higher in the region adjacent to the earth’s equator due to the intensity of summer.

Global warming is causing glaciers to melt in the northern hemisphere, with less snow, more heat, and more rain in the summer.

It is High time to think, to aware people from every country to save the world. Natural disasters are going to attack regardless of any boundaries, be it the northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere.

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