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12:06 am | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
The environment is polluting due to the non-commissioning of Electric furnaces in Tarapith Crematorium
Aivee Akther Environment Pollution

The environment is polluting due to the non-commissioning of Electric furnaces in Tarapith Crematorium

The environment is polluting due to the non-commissioning of Electric furnaces in Tarapith Crematorium, West Bengal, India

Aivee Akther

The electric furnace not yet starts in the Tarapith Crematorium as per the Indian National Environmental Court order. Because of this, Corpses are traditionally burning on wooden cheetahs.

Therefore, Joydeep Mukherjee, General Secretary, ALL INDIA LEGAL FORUM, threatened to go to the National Environmental Court again. However, Bidhan Roy, Deputy Commissioner, said, ”In no late, the electric reactor at Tarapith will start.”

“We have already charged over the contractor that engaged for installation the electric reactor at Tarapith. There will be a meeting regarding the problems of the corpse burner (Those who traditionally burn corpses) at Tarapath within this week. There raised a question about some reforms at Tarapath,” he added.

Earlier, Joydeep Mukherjee had filed a case in the National Environmental Court against the pollution of Tarapith. Joydeep Babu told the court that restaurants are set up everywhere in Tarapith.

The dirty water of most of the Restaurants is mixing in the Dwarka River and spreading pollution. Pollution is also spreading due to littering in drainage from the restaurants and garbages open dumping places. The dead bodies are burning to leave the crematorium keeping open. It is also harmful to innocents’ minds.

The court also had given a set of instructions to prevent pollution at Tarapith. Court instructions are- filtering its wastewater before dumping it into the river, ban the dumping of garbage along the roadsides.

In addition, to encircling the crematorium by the construction of a Fence wall in where the dead bodies are burning, and building an electric furnace for burning the dead bodies.

After receiving the court instructions, the respective authorities removed the garbage from the roadsides immediately. Now, the Tarapith is again polluting by face with dirt. Initially, the cremation ground was surrounded by a fence made of tin sheets, but now it alleges that absent.

Although the electric reactor was built, but could not start due to local complications. Last week, Joydeep Babu visited Tarapith amid restrictions on COVID-19 in the state.

He said, “I filed a case to prevent pollution at Tarapith. However, the court instructions do not fully yet obey. The roads are still dirty. Dirty water is draining directly into the Dwarka River”.

“The pollution is increasing as a result of not turning on the electric reactor yet. If the administration does not follow the court order fully, I will file a case in the court again. I will not allow Mother Tara’s land to pollute in this way,” he threatens.

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