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The Green Page
The role of Environmental Education in the Textbooks to Prevent Climate change
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

The role of Environmental Education in the Textbooks to Prevent Climate change

The role of Environmental Education in the Textbooks to Prevent Climate change

Aivee Akther

Global warming, Climate change, and Environmental Pollution are ominous signs for the future world. Not just a single country or region but all the globe are at risk of climate change. Rising global warming accelerates the Sea level rising and Glaciers melting.

Human-made pressure on the environment and arbitrary misusing is creating additional heat into the atmosphere. Most of which is being absorbed by the sea. As a result, the sea level is rising. Mostly, islands and low-lying areas in the coastal zones are a risk due to climate change effects. Global temperatures rose 1.1 degrees Celsius from the baseline of the industrial age (1750) to 2019.

From 2018 to 2019, the seawater level has increased up to 5 mm. According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IIPCC), the world’s sea level will rise by one meter in 2050. Due to this, about 17 percent of the land of Bangladesh will submerge. Bangladesh ranks seventh in the list of victims of global climate change.

In the last twenty years, in Bangladesh, about 577 people have died, and about US$168 million worth due to climate change effects. Again, Bangladesh is the country with the most polluted air in the world.

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is the second most polluted city in the world. Due to the continuous increase in food demand and industry,  its forest land is also decreasing day by day.

Due to air pollution, water pollution, and deforestation, various animals, wild animals, aquatic animals, and plants species are on the verge of extinction. Many people are displacing due to natural disasters. As a result, the number of internally displaced persons and the floating population is also increasing.

Primary education is a very crucial step in human behavior, social awareness, and altruism education. From school, people learn a sense of dignity and behavior, which determines their personality.

So it’s a suitable time to get kids’ interest in the field of environmental awareness from their primary education. One of the aims of environmental education for children is to take care of the environment and gain ecological knowledge.

Environmental education is such a learning process through which individuals can explore environmental base issues. Can be involved in solving problems and taking steps to improve the environment.

As a result, one acquires the ability to understand environmental issues deeply and makes responsible decisions. According to UNESCO, environmental base education is such a learning process that enhances human knowledge and awareness.  It also builds skills, motivation, attitudes, informed decisions, and a commitment to take responsible action to meet the challenges against climate change.

UNESCO says there are four reasons why children should give environmental education.

The reasons are:

  1. To increase their awareness and awaken the consciousness,
  2. To arouse their interest,
  3. To increase our ability to understand the environment around us, and
  4. To increase ecological knowledge.

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