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Dhaka, Bangladesh
3:02 am | April 1, 2025
The Green Page
avoid wasting water to protect the environment
Aivee Akther Bangladesh

Avoid wasting water to protect the environment

Avoid wasting water to protect the environment – Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina


The Prime Minister (PM) of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, has urged the people to restrain from using water. She was addressing in a virtual meeting ceremony on the occasion of (World Water Day, March 22” on March 30, 2022 organized by Ministry of water Resources, Bangladesh, held at Phani Bhabon, Dhaka.

“The Bangladesh government is prioritizing nature-based solutions to ensure the country’s overall development. In development philosophy, we emphasize nature-based solutions.

We need to find realistic strategies for properly managing water resources. I have directed all concerned to keep these two issues in mind. We need to focus on conserving rainwater and building underground reservoirs,” the Prime minister said.

Besides, the Prime Minister directed all concerned to open the river junctions with canals, Beels, Haors, and Baors; otherwise, the river’s navigability would damage. She emphasized the need to adopt a development plan considering these issues.

She also emphasized creating navigability during river dredging and creating buffer zones to conserve excess water or floodwater, which could be used during winter cultivation.

“We need to know how to survive the floods and build relationships as Bangladesh is a disaster-prone country,” the PM added.

The PM directed the planting of tree saplings while undertaking road or embankment construction projects. According to her, this step will help protect from landslides. Excessive use of groundwater can increase the risk of frequent earthquakes. Moreover, Bangladesh is considered an earthquake-prone country.

The prime minister further directed everyone to reduce his or her dependence on groundwater. “The government is implementing various measures to reduce groundwater use, including purifying river water, providing safe water to the people, and using surface water for irrigation. “

 However, she requested austerity in using water for household works, construction, or irrigation. Although Bangladesh has not played any role in the adverse effects of climate change, some small countries like Bangladesh have to pay considerable compensation for it.

We have to take steps to protect the country. With special instructions, the government has adopted the Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan ‘ to deal with the adverse effects of natural disasters and climate change. We have started formulating Delta Plan-2100 and implementing it to ensure safe and prosperous life for generations,” the PM added.

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