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10:31 pm | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
A new variant of plants in Germany to survive the onslaught of summer
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir International Environment

A new variant of plants in Germany to survive the onslaught of summer

A new variant of plants in Germany to survive the onslaught of summer

By Adnan Tazvir

Many plants in German cities are no longer viable due to the rising temperatures. There is a growing tendency to plant trees that can withstand extreme heat. Steps are also being taken to reduce rainwater wastage.

Saplings are being brought from the nursery and placed in a dwelling in the city of Hamburg. Bright green leaves can be seen in some saplings. They are much more beautiful than the beech trees. These hybrid species have been created by combining Japanese and Caucasian alder species.

The Trees having many wonderful qualities. When the temperature rises, the holes in the leaves of the trees close. As a result, moisture is maintained inside.

Ignoring climate change, these plants will grow well in the future and their quality is much higher than that of conventional plants.

There are a few Spat’s alder trees planted last season in Germany. Despite the dry summer, those still look beautiful. It looks much better than the German native plants.

Cities around the world are feeling the effects of climate change. Many cities are unable to cope with the heavy rains and floods due to the excess of concrete. Water does not find a place to enter the soil there.

Environmentalists complain that this results in the loss of about half the amount of rainfall compared to forests or fields. Human or nature cannot take advantage of it. Environmentalist Andreas Matsinger says rainwater is completely lost when it drains. That water cannot evaporate.

As a result, it becomes detached from the natural cycle of water. Evaporation causes the air to cool and we can understand that. If the surface is completely covered, the heat increases If there is no evaporation, it cannot be cold This is one of the reasons for the isolated heat in some parts of the city.

In an area south of Berlin, there is an alternative idea. There is a water management policy called Sponge city being implemented. Rainwater is being collected on vacant land and roofs and sent to local pools. As a result, the water disappeared in the drain and could not be wiped out.

Hydrologist Hannah Krueger is active in the think tank of Berlin’s own water supply company. He thinks that rainwater is a very valuable resource. With climate change, our city must also adapt. That is why we want to use that water locally through management.

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