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The Green Page
Australia is in the grip of a devastating cyclone after the bushfire
International Environment Sadia Noor Portia

Australia is in the grip of a devastating cyclone

Australia is in the grip of a devastating cyclone after the bushfire

By Sadia Noor Portia (7th semester – English Department,
Independent University, Bangladesh)

Natural disasters are not ending in Australia. The devastating cyclone hit the west coast of the country soon after the bushfire was cut. The east coast of the country is the victim of one after another disaster.

More than 12 bushfires were reported in West Australia on 09 February 2020, the Bureau of Meteorology said. Besides, in other districts, the administration has already issued a bushfire warning.

On Saturday (09/02/2020) afternoon, cyclone Damian hit at a speed of about 200 km. on the west coast of Australia. Although no major loss was reported. Though the storm lost its strength after being hit, the severe stormy wind has increased the problem for residents along with heavy rainfall.

On the other hand, for the past three days, almost continuous rains have been occurring in different areas of Sydney and New South Wales on the east coast of Australia. Due to that, the vast area is devastated by floods.

According to Australian administration sources, this is the first time after 1998; Australia is facing such a situation due to rainfalls. If it is not brought under control quickly, there may be a risk of death.

Flooding conditions may also occur in Queensland. Weather forecasters issued the warning on Sunday. It’s been raining in Queensland since Saturday (08/02/2020) night.

The administration has also issued a flood alert for residents of Dalby after a creek was ravaged some 200 km west of Brisbane.

Experts say the weather has changed drastically as a result of the bushfire. Situations like stormy weather and heavy rains have been created. According to them, the problem has become more serious as the air becomes hot and dry.

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