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8:07 pm | March 4, 2025
The Green Page
bangladesh is free from extreme risks of climate change
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Bangladesh is free from extreme risks of climate change

Bangladesh is free from extreme risks of climate change


The U.S. intelligence agency has released a report on what could happen in the future due to the effects of climate change. It raises the regional issues caused by climate change, the internal problems of different countries, how one country can treat another country or the bilateral relations.

It predicts that climate change will exacerbate global instability. The report names 11 countries at high risk, including India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. However, the name of Bangladesh is not on the list.

The British media BBC USA gave details about that intelligence report. For the first time, intelligence predicts the impact of climate change on U.S. security by 2040.

It discusses how much the United States’ national security might jeopardize and how to deal with it. The research was released ahead of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s attendance at the COP-26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland.

The study, which is 27 pages long, is based on information from the country’s 18 intelligence organizations. It is the first intelligence assessment from the United States to look into several parts of its security system in the aftermath of climate change.

The report warns that all countries will take a tough stance to protect their economies. At the same time, they will try to innovate new technology. More than 20 countries depend on fossil fuels for 50 percent of their export earnings.

According to U.S. intelligence sources, 11 countries and two regions face energy, food, water, and health security threats. Internal conflict will engulf these countries. These countries will be affected by a power outage, severe drought, or flooding. They lack the necessary resources to deal with the situation.

The 11 countries at risk include Southeast Asian countries Afghanistan, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, and South Korea. Countries in Central America and the Caribbean include Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

The other two countries are Iraq and Colombia. However, some small countries in Central Africa and the Pacific are also at risk. The refugee problem could exacerbate by the economic crisis and stagnation caused by climate change, which will increase human demand in the southern border areas of the United States.

The ice in the Arctic will melt as a result of climate change. People will have more options to travel as a result of this. New shipping routes will develop. New fishing areas will create. As a result, there is a possibility of military presence.

Climate change will also cause problems in obtaining water. About 60 percent of the water in the Middle East and North Africa comes from trans-boundary sources. There has been a long-running dispute between India and Pakistan over the share of river water. The Mekong River region could create problems between China, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

Another source of risk is that some countries may want to use geo-technology alone to address climate change. In these cases, a country is less likely to succeed alone.

Researchers from Russia, Australia, China, India, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union are working on this. However, there is little policy in this regard.

According to the research, whatever the impact of climate change is, it can address via cooperation. In such a situation, in addition to any discovery or invention, we must support one in the natural disaster.

One thing this report makes clear is that climate is now the most crucial aspect of security. This will exacerbate the ongoing problems and create new ones.

Erin Sikorski, director of the Center for Climate and Security, said governments have always said climate change is a major threat to national security, which has never been so before.

Climate-impact risks are no different from other security issues, especially for competition with China. The BBC report further said that the U.S. intelligence report had identified the potential problems of climate change in the country till 2040. However, the big question now is how much policymakers will be able to use this report.

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