Brazil prepares for UNFCCC COP 30 by cutting down trees in the Amazon forest
Environmental conference in the lungs of the world. The 2025 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30) will be organized in the Brazilian city of Belem next November 2025. Belem is the gateway to the Amazon. This time, world leaders have thoughtfully organized this event in the heart of the Amazon.
And that is why the world’s largest forest is being cut down to build a huge four-lane road to reach there! And that raises the question. Why was the decision made to destroy the Amazon forest and build a road during the environmental conference?
A huge campaign is now underway in the Amazon jungle. The sound of bulldozers and dredging is now echoing in the solitude of the jungle beyond the city! The gateway to the Amazon is the city of Belem in Brazil. Work is underway to build a four-lane road centered around it.
The goal is to improve the traffic system in the Amazon during the environmental conference next November. About 50,000 guests are expected to attend the conference.
To make the city traffic smooth for their travel, roads are being cut through the jungle. There is always the terrible sound of heavy machinery here to cut down trees and clear the jungle. There are no animals or birds in the Amazon tri-border near Belém.
But why aren’t environmentalists stopping such indiscriminate killing of the lungs of the earth? Why can’t they stop the state’s green killing in the name of development? It’s not that they haven’t tried.
The Amazon forest dwellers are the first to try to prevent the road construction. Some make a living by collecting fruits from the forest.
They say, ‘We are devastated!’ Because there is still no rehabilitation system for those who are being evicted from their homes to build this road. The elderly say, ‘This is where I was born, worked and raised. Where will I go now?’
The Environment Minister stated, “This conference is not about the Amazon, but taking place in the Amazon.” That means you don’t have to worry about the health of the Amazon!’
The forest dwellers fear that this is just the beginning, and that the Amazon’s destruction will be permanent.