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The Green Page
chaumuhani, noakhali, bangladesh, is turning into a city of garbage
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Protection

Chaumuhani, Noakhali, Bangladesh, is turning into a city of garbage

Chaumuhani, Noakhali, Bangladesh, is turning into a city of garbage


Chaumuhani, a municipality of Grade 1 in Noakhali, is turning into a city of garbage due to mismanagement of municipal waste and lack of planning.

The town has become unfit for business and living for its unsanitary environment and the stench of garbage heaps everywhere. However, no effective measures have yet been taken to ensure planned waste management.

The teachers and students of Delta Jute Mill High School, Kashem Meer Market, Delta Jute Mill Workers Colony, C&B Office Employees House, and Singer Road are drowning in an unsanitary environment due to the stench of the garbage heap.

Apart from this, the teachers, students, and parents of Begumganj Technical School and College, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Office, Noakhali Public School and College, Begumganj Textile Engineering College, Begumganj Agricultural Training School are suffering from sneezing, coughing, vomiting and dizziness due to the stench.

Principle of Delta Jute Mill High School, said, “Teachers and students are getting sick due to the stench of the garbage heap. After reporting to the municipal authority, they stop dumping waste temporarily. Nevertheless, as time goes by, they continue their work.”

A Prominent social worker and businessman, said, “People have run away from their businesses and homes due to the stench of dirt and garbage on various roads, more and more garbage is dumping in trucks without any care.

Even though a complaint has already been filed with the Environment Department, regarding this but no action is taken yet”

The Mayor of Chaumuhani municipality said, ”A complaint had been made to the Environment Department for disrupting the development activities of the municipality.

Chaumuhani municipality does not have enough places to dump tons of garbage daily. As far as we know, garbage dump on Karimpur Road and Maijdi Road without harming the environment.

Before the stench comes out, kerosene pours into the garbage pile and burns to ashes. Those who talk about unsanitary environments are spreading rumors.”

Acting Secretary of Choumuhani Municipality, said, ”It would be easier to carry out development activities if the space of the municipality fills and turns into houses.

However, one group wants to achieve self-interest by spreading rumors in various ways. Nothing environmentally harmful isn’t happening.”

An environmental expert said a vacant lot is north of the intersection adjacent to Kala Pole. If the garbage throws at that place and the ashes burns, the bad smell or unhealthy environment will reduce to a great extent.

In this regard, the affected people of the municipality are seeking immediate intervention from the higher authorities to take necessary measures to prevent an unhealthy environment.

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