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The Green Page
Climate activist Greta Thunberg feels very optimistic about COP26
Aivee Akther

Climate activist Greta Thunberg is not a very optimist about COP26

Climate activist Greta Thunberg is not a very optimist about COP26


Greta Thunberg , a Swedish environmental activist who knocked up the climate change movement, said she could not be too optimistic about the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow, UK.

She expressed her concern stating the meeting would be the last chance to tackle global warming. She does not think that a ‘big change’ will come through this conference. Thunberg called on environmental activists to keep up the pressure on world leaders for real change.

The conference of parties’ 26th summit, also known as the “COP-26” climate conference, will take place in Scotland from 31 October to 12 November. This summit is going to be the largest climate conference since the 2015 meeting in Paris.

Though many people consider this summit will set a benchmark to reduce global carbon emissions, Greta Thunberg isn’t feeling the same.

Thunberg spoke to AFP on the sidelines of a climate conference in Stockholm. “So far, it doesn’t look like the conference will make a big difference,” she said.

“We have to put constant pressure. I hope that one day we will realize that we are in a real crisis of existence, and then we will take action,” she added.

“There is an opportunity for change through international conferences like COP26″ because many influential people get together at the summit. So we have to make sure if we are utilizing this opportunity or not.” she continued.

“The Glasgow conference will try to persuade the rich countries to reduce their carbon emissions. It will further emphasize seeking grants from the rich countries to help developing countries cope with the effects of climate change.”

Thunberg thinks it is necessary to move away from creating loopholes and concentrate on realistic actions to save the planet.

Greta Thunberg drew worldwide attention by gathering millions of people in the Fridays For Future movement. In August 2018, she started protesting against climate change on her own in Sweden.

Many schoolchildren felt inspired by her ‘School Strike for Climate’ movement outside the Swedish Parliament building. Gradually, the movement spread to many countries.

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