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8:35 am | March 5, 2025
The Green Page
climate change causes an adverse effect on the ecosystem 
Aivee Akther Environmental Economics Environmental Problems

Climate change causes an adverse effect on the ecosystem 

Climate change causes an adverse effect on the ecosystem


Climate change has caused several negative impacts overall world. In addition, Bangladesh is not left out of its influence; instead, the country is getting more affected by the consequences.

In 2010, the international research organization ” Germanwatch ” reported Bangladesh as the first among the ten countries affected by climate change. Besides, in the British research organization “Maplecroft” list, Bangladesh ranks first among the 15 countries at risk due to natural disasters.

Several other research organizations also cited Bangladesh as the most vulnerable country. Indeed, there is no dispute about this. global warming-induced sea level rise and salinity are the main reasons for Bangladesh’s vulnerability.

 The influence of Himalayan ice melting water is causing massive floods and changes in rivers’ direction, which also causes river erosion. Besides, Global warming also slowed down the desertification process of the Varendra region.

World-renowned desert researchers have warned Bangladesh repeatedly about this. Bangladesh’s National Environment Management Action Plan has identified these problems as long-term problems.

Bangladesh is highly prone to natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, tidal waves, tornadoes, riverbeds, landslides, etc.

Once there used to be six seasons in Bangladesh. However, the seasonal cycle has been disturbed, and natural disasters have increased. Besides, rainfall is decreasing, and water flow in the rivers is drying up.

Due to the lack of massive pressure of river water, the sea’s salt water does not stay as much as it should. Due to less water flow, the sea’s salinity is moving closer to the land.

According to experts, the salinity problem in coastal areas is becoming more pronounced daily due to less rainfall.

Meanwhile, the Sundarbans are already suffering massive damage due to rising sea levels and increasing salinity. Azamara disease (Plant disease) has appeared especially on other trees, including the Vine (disambiguation) and Sundari (Heritiera fomes). There are also various types of leafhoppers appearing in them.

Interestingly, global warming or climate change links with ecosystem issues. When the climate of an area changes, the lifestyle of animals or insects also changes.

The fauna of that region becomes extinct, and new fauna create. For example, different species of insects have grown in the Sundarbans. Moreover, the vegetation is slowly disappearing after being damaged.

Another reason for losing native species is the invasion of exotic plants. Because of the continuous growth of these foreign trees and vines, at least a thousand species of native trees have gradually disappeared from the nature of Bangladesh in the last few decades.

Due to the impact of climate change, not only the Sundarbans but various types of natural resources of the country are gradually decreasing. In addition, many species of birds, animals, flowers, fruits, and plants have disappeared from the country.

According to UNESCO’s report titled ‘Climate Change and World Heritage Lessons,’ about 75 percent of the Sundarbans could destroy due to sea level rise and global climate change.

Undoubtedly, it will have a huge adverse impact on the environment due to the depletion of the country’s natural resources. Climate change is also having an adverse effect on the fisheries sector.

Inadequate seasonal rainfall and rising temperatures have created adverse conditions for the country’s fisheries.

On the one hand, lack of rain or untimely heavy rains disturbs fish reproduction. On the other hand, fish eggs get absorbed into their bodies, and the fish die.

Climate change has also created a series of inconsistencies in agriculture. Drought and rising temperatures are reducing the production of many crop species.

Similarly, weed, disease, and insect attacks are increasing. Soil material varies from region to region, and farmers cannot produce desired crops.

There is a problem with the irrigation water in the northern region of Bangladesh. Due to the high level of arsenic in the underground water, it enters the human body through crops.

Due to the falling groundwater level in the northern region, crops do not get sufficient water supply, which leads to crop production loss.

If climate change not prevents, not only the low-lying areas of the country will flood, but it will also affect our forests and agricultural resources.

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