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4:00 am | April 1, 2025
The Green Page
climate change effect doubling the middle east warming
Deepak Kumar Kundu International Environment

Climate Change Effect doubling the Middle East warming

Climate Change Effect doubling the Middle East warming

Deepak Kumar Kundu

Countries in the Middle East are warming at nearly double the rate of global warming. It threatens to have a dire impact on the people and economy of the region.

A research report published ahead of the United Nations COP 27 climate conference in Egypt has given such a glimpse.

According to the research report, the average temperature increase per decade in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean region is 0.45 degrees Celsius.

And during this period, the average temperature increase rate in the world is 0.27 degrees per decade. These statistics are presented based on data available from 1981 to 2019.

According to the report, the temperature of the Middle East could increase by five degrees Celsius by the end of the century if the situation does not change immediately.

It may exceed the minimum adaptive capacity of people in some countries. That is, the nations will be warmer than the level of warmth that humans can adapt to.

The German-based Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the Cyprus-based Cyprus Institute have collaborated in this research with data. Max Planck Institute researcher Johannes “Joy” Lelieveld (born July 25, 1955) believes that due to the increase in temperature, people will face major health challenges.

Their livelihood will be at risk. In particular, disadvantaged populations, the elderly, children, and pregnant women, will be at risk.

Studies have shown that the Middle East is suffering, and the region is also largely responsible for climate change. The oil-rich Middle East is on track to become one of the world’s largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

The region is expected to overtake the European Union in terms of greenhouse gas emissions in a few years.

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