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1:12 am | March 5, 2025
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during disasters, women suffer more in all respects, including violence, south to south feminist learning climate justice summit
Aivee Akther Environment Protection International Environment

During disasters, Women suffer more in all respects, including violence: South to South Feminist Learning Climate Justice summit

During disasters, Women suffer more in all respects, including violence: South to South Feminist Learning Climate Justice summit


COP27 is approaching. It will take place in Egypt from November 03-18, 2022. COP (Conference of Parties) started in 1995 in Berlin, Germany. More than 194 countries signed the Paris Agreement in 2015.

Based on this, the affected people present their demands every year in countries vulnerable to disasters. However, only the government can represent at this conference.

Affected countries will present their demands to developed countries responsible for historical pollution. There is much debate, discussion, and criticism about the conference behind closed doors.

Since COP is a place for showcasing demands, environmentalists, environmental organizers, and environmental activists from various countries present themselves to the government of their country and the global environment through their various programs and activities.

Environmental activists mainly work to bring their problems to the government’s attention, to make it stand up and take more decisive steps to meet the demands.

Recently, the SouthSouth Feminist Learning Climate Summit has held at the Royal Princess Lorn Luang in Bangkok, Thailand.

Thirteen women climate activists from 13 countries participated there. The main objective of this learning was to assess the vulnerability of women in South Asia due to climate change, which is measured through various metrics online in the South to South Feminist Learning Climate Justice-1.

The discussion that got highlighted during the event was that women suffer more physical, mental, social, economic, and health problems, as well as violence during disasters.

These problems are similar among South Asian countries. Women in all coastal countries face similar health risks due to excess consumption of salt water.

Besides, disaster shelter houses are not women-friendly anywhere. There is very little participation of women in disaster management structures.

However, women have a huge role in climate adaptation and mitigation. Another major priority is reducing violence against indigenous peoples and preserving and expanding their environmental knowledge.

However, despite the widespread discussion of women’s issues, no specific plan or process has yet been developed to address them and manage the funding required for them.

For that, such a platform can play a significant role. South Asian women’s voices are far behind in COP compared to other countries. The main reason is a lack of subject knowledge from the beginning, lack of opportunities, and lack of platform.

Through this platform, they will present their country’s problems to the country’s government and present themselves as the voice of South Asia in the world forum.

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