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Dhaka, Bangladesh
3:27 am | March 13, 2025
The Green Page
Every day 50,000 tons of toxic waste is thrown into the river, life and nature are under threat
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environment Pollution

Every day 50000 tons of toxic waste is thrown into the river, life and nature are under threat

Every day 50,000 tons of toxic waste is thrown into the river, life and nature are under threat

By Adnan Mahfuz

Bangladesh: Concerned blamed 3 City Corporations of Dhaka-Narayanganj along with WASA for river pollution. About 50,000 metric tons of toxic and solid waste, including industrial and sewage, are being dumped in the river every day.

These wastes, which are harmful to life and nature, are being mixed in the water through 760 points of the rivers around Dhaka.

Untreated toxic wastes from washing and dyeing factories are responsible for 60 percent of river pollution around Dhaka, including the Buriganga river, the Balu River, the Shitalakshya river, and the Turag river.

In this, seven types of chemicals, including chromium and cadmium, fall directly into the river. This is preventing sunlight from entering the water, reducing the level of dissolved oxygen. Aquatic animals are endangered.

The survey conducted using on-the-spot inspection and GPS has shown that solid waste of industrial and city corporations is falling from 400 points into the Buriganga, Turag, Balu River, and Tongi canals WASA waste is dropping from 360 points into the rivers. The concerned people are blaming the negligence of these organizations for stopping the pollution.

The River Research Institute says that in addition to industrial waste, it is responsible for river pollution, ranging from polythene to boat, hospital, dockyard, and brickyard waste. Although there is talk of a master plan to protect the rivers around Dhaka, environmentalists do not see any visible progress.

Two city corporations do Dhaka’s waste management. WASA is in charge of waste management. According to the Department of Environment, 70 percent of Dhaka factories are not using ETP for waste treatment.

Source: The Green Page

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