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11:02 am | March 4, 2025
The Green Page
Glacier is melting so speedily that has not been happening before
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environmental Problems

Glacier is melting so speedily that has not been happening before: According to a new survey

Glacier is melting so speedily that has not been happening before: According to a new survey

 By Adnan Tazvir

Almost all glacier on Earth are melting, and that is much faster than at any other time.  Experts say a new survey has revealed this information. The survey was published in the science journal Nature. The survey revealed that about 220,000 glaciers in the world are melting. These glaciers are one of the main reasons for the rising sea level. Qatar-based Al Jazeera reports this recently.

This report published by a team of international scientists analyzed the interpretation of high-resolution images taken by the US space agency NASA’s Terra satellite from 2000-2019.  According to the survey, about 267 gigatons of ice is melting from these glaciers every year.  However, there is a huge amount of ice in Greenland and Antarctica. Gigaton ice is so much that New York Central Park  will be high up to 341 meters if it will fill up by one gigaton of ice.

Researchers have also found that glaciers are melting very fast. From 2000 to 2004, the number of glaciers melted was about 227 gigatonnes per year. But since 2015, an average of 298 gigaton glaciers have melted every year.

These huge glaciers are playing a major role in raising the sea level. The average height is increasing by 0.74 mm every year.

The effects of climate change are falling on glaciers much faster than the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. Analysts say the role of glaciers is much more important than the role of ice levels in causing sea levels to rise.

Dr Robert McNabb, a scientist at the Ulster University in the UK, said the survey would help bridge the gap in understanding the amount of ice melted. Previous surveys have shown that glaciers hold 10 percent of the world’s mass.

Scientists have long said that glaciers and ice layers are melting day by day due to climate change. And this is why the sea level is rising. And the world’s coastal cities are facing a huge threat.

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