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Dhaka, Bangladesh
10:32 pm | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
International Environment

How to deal with the adverse effects of climate change?

China’s new five-year plan! The key focus will “How to deal with the adverse effects of climate change?”

By Zeba Tarnnum

Assessing the adverse effects of climate change is one of China’s new five-year plan’s critical issues. However, there are concerns about economic growth and energy security, as building a green environment is expected to undermine the country’s ambitions; That’s what Reuters reported.

But environmentalists say China will probably not make any concessions to countries in the region to build new coal-fired power plants to focus on growth and offset energy shortages. “I think Chinese lawmakers will set less ambitious goals in their five-year plan on energy and coal use because of concerns about energy security,” said Zhang Xuei, a spokesman for the research institute Drorvald Energy Research Centre.

In October last year, Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng said that his country’s 2021-2025 five-year plan would be presented to parliament in March 2021. The plan will be dedicated to the issue of climate change alone. Also, as part of the plan, it will focus on finalizing carbon emissions before 2030 and achieving Beijing’s new goal of achieving “carbon neutrality” by 2060.

The Politburo of China’s ruling Communist Party said last November that plans for producing and using low-carbon fuels should be widely encouraged in the five-year plan.

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