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 in front of the bangladesh parliament, a human chain demanded a ban on polythene to protect the environment
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Protection

 In front of the Bangladesh parliament, a Human chain demanded a ban on polythene to protect the environment

 In front of the Bangladesh parliament, a Human chain demanded a ban on polythene to protect the environment


An organization called ‘Save Future Bangladesh’ has organized a human chain to demand a ban on environmentally destructive polythene.

The human chain holds on June 20, 2022, at around 11:30 am in front of the National Parliament building, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

However, shortly after the start of the program, the security guards removed the human chains from the front of the parliament building. They then stood on the street opposite the parliament building and continued the human chain activities for some more time.

Nayan Sarkar, the chief coordinator of Save Future Bangladesh, said every canal, lake, forest, hill, and tourist center from rural to urban area has filled up with single time used polythene. Some of these wastes are also get burnt. These pollutants are harming biodiversity and the climate.

He added that the ministers’ speeches on polythene were limited to mere words. If not, how has it tripled in the last two decades? Again, this year’s budget has proposed to reduce the tariff rate on banned polythene.

How is that possible? Where the government will stop pollution, they are encouraging it, which is suicidal and self-contradictory, threatening the environment, biodiversity, and people.

There are five demands from the human chain; the demands are-

  1. Not only tariff withdrawal, but also import of harmful polythene should ban and production in the country should stop.
  2. Environmental polluting industries should bring under punishment with the existing law, and alternatively, environment-friendly industries should get encouragement.
  3. Effective measures should be taken to prevent soil, water, noise, and air pollution, and waste burning should be prohibited.
  4. Using polythene in rivers and seas, parks, forests, mountains, and beaches should stop.
  5. The government must protect the environment and biodiversity and implement laws banning polythene and plastics.

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