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The Green Page
indonesian fabric industry now uses natural dyes
Aivee Akther International Environment

Indonesian Fabric industry now uses Natural dyes

Indonesian Fabric industry now uses Natural dyes


Sodikin, an Indonesian batik artist, has avoided using artificial colors to protect the environment. Instead, he is using different elements found in nature. He is making the color of the cloth with the fruit, leaves, and roots of the trees. These natural fabric products have gained popularity in the country.

Sodikin, aged 48, is a batik artist by profession. Although he used to use artificial colors in the case of dyes, he has been working with natural colors for the last four years. The decision got taken out of concern for environmental protection.

Sodikin said, “I have never cut down trees. I use the fruits or leaves that fall down. Ever since we started using natural raw materials, our income has increased. The color quality is even better. For best results sometimes need to dye 10 to 40 times.”

 “Although dull compared to synthetic dyes, natural dyes are more durable in terms of quality and durability. The use of natural dyes is becoming more and more popular in the Indonesian market,” Sodikin added.

Erwin Ardley, a mangrove expert, said that “Natural colors are a bit lighter than synthetic dyes. But the durability is more, double or triple times durable. Much better in terms of quality. Because artificial colors are harmful to the environment.”

Naturally created fabrics are more expensive than synthetic fabric. Users report that middle- and upper-classes people are proudly using natural dye clothing.

Although the cost is a bit higher than artificial colors, if the fabric print is a synthetic color, the price is seven to ten and the price of natural dye stands at 21 dollars.

Fabric is one of the traditional resources of Indonesia. The country’s government is also encouraging the use of natural dyes.

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