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The Green Page
nursing of indoor plants can create employment as well as a healthy indoor environment
Aivee Akther Environment Protection

Nursing of indoor plants can create Employment as well as a healthy indoor Environment

Nursing of indoor plants can create Employment as well as a healthy indoor Environment


In this civic life of brick and stone, we want to get a touch of green. Hence, many people plant saplings on the balcony or in the corner of the hall room of their houses. Indoor plants are becoming popular at present.

Adenium, Senseveria, Orchid, and Cactus are some plants used to decorate the bedroom, hall room, balcony, or office room.

These imported plants sell in elite shopping malls. Entrepreneurs say that this sector has created a market of around three thousand crores in the country. However, with the patronage of these plants can cultivate in Bangladesh.

Plants with juicy leaves and stems are called succulents. This plant calms the body and mind by keeping the air in the house clean. In addition to sidewalk nurseries, various succulent species are now adorning the elite shopping malls.

Small in size and bright green along with colorful leaves, these plants bloom in an indoor environment. Leafy and cactus-type succulents are trendy.

In addition, the enchanting appeal of Lucky Bamboo, Adenium, Senseveria, Fern, and Orchid attracts anyone.

City dwellers are aware of the environment. Green being added to the beauty of the house. So, these plants are becoming popular day by day.

Rashedul Islam, an Indoor plant entrepreneur, said, “These indoor plants easily survive at home. Too much light air does not require them to survive.

Sansevieria, a fern tree, keeps the air fresh in the confined rooms of the city. Which is very beneficial for health.”

Interest in amateur nurseries has increased during the Corona pandemic. Researchers believe that increasing the popularity of indoor plants plays a significant role in providing Employment to the young generation and maintaining good health and an urban environment.

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