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Dhaka, Bangladesh
5:32 am | September 8, 2024
The Green Page
protecting sundarbans is one of the governments national priorities, environment ministry bangladesh
Bangladesh Environment Protection

Protecting Sundarbans is one of the government’s national priorities: Environment Ministry Bangladesh

Protecting Sundarbans is one of the government’s national priorities: Environment Ministry Bangladesh

Md. Shahab Uddin, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), said, ”Protecting the Sundarbans is one of the government’s national priorities.

Therefore, various programs have been implemented to take adequate measures to protect Sundarban and its wildlife. For this purpose, effective steps will take by collecting necessary patrol boats through the Sundarbans management support and protection project under implementation.”

He said these things at the progress review meeting of the annual development program till October 2022 in the ministry’s meeting room.

The Environment Minister further said, “The quality of the environment of Barendra and Haor areas will improve if the projects under implementation get completed on time.

Public and private vehicle drivers and related parties are getting training under the integrated partnership project to control noise pollution.

Along with the government, it is possible to succeed if everyone in society works sincerely to prevent air and water pollution. For this purpose, the country’s government officials must play a leading role.”

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