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7:37 am | March 9, 2025
The Green Page
A Sewage Master Plan to keep the rivers water pollution free
Environment Protection Tahsin Taha

A Sewage Master Plan to keep the rivers water pollution free

A Sewage Master Plan to keep the rivers water pollution free – LGRD Minister Tajul Islam

–Tahsin Taha (Student, Dept. of Law,
North-South University, BD)

A Sewage Master Plan to keep the rivers water pollution free
A Sewage Master Plan to keep the rivers water pollution free – LGRD Minister Tajul Islam

Mr. Tajul Islam, Minister of LGRD, Bangladesh, informed Bangladesh National Assembly that a Sewage Master Plan for Dhaka Metropolitan City had been developed by Dhaka Water Supply and Sewage Authority (WASA) to keep the rivers water pollution free that are situated around the Dhaka City. For this reason, 4 (four) nos. of Sewage Effluent Treatment Plants will be constructed at the 4 (four) locations around the Dhaka City.

He informed this on January 15, 2020, in response to a question asked by Mrs. Salma Islam, an honorary Parliament member of Bangladesh National Assembly, elected form women’s reserved seat. Meanwhile, the Minister said that a Sewage Treatment Plant named “Dasherkandi Sewage Treatment Plant” is under construction as part of the Master Plan.

A Sewage Master Plan to keep the rivers water pollution free
A sewage drain which is full of Garbage and directly connected to a river besides Dhaka city

In continuation, the Hon’ble Minister said that when the work is completed, it is expected that the pollution that is occurring by the direct drainage of sewage to the river will be stopped markedly.

In reply to another question asked by Mrs. Lutfun Nessa Khan of reserved women’s seat, the Hon’ble Minister said that the prevention process of Malaria and Dengue fever is going on. In every 75 wards of Dhaka South City Corporation, activities like larviciding to destroy the Larva of Mosquitoes in the morning from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM and adulticide to kill the flying mosquitoes every evening, are being continued ward wise.

Simultaneously, the activities to destroy the breeding ground of Aedes Mosquitoes after inspection are being continued daily and in every day this activities is being acted in 15 householding

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