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7:16 pm | March 14, 2025
The Green Page
the environment of bangladesh is turbulent due to its seasonal time and length changes
Bangladesh Environmental Problems

The environment of Bangladesh is turbulent due to its seasonal time and length changes

The environment of Bangladesh is turbulent due to its seasonal time and length changes

Bangladesh is at serious risk from natural disasters due to both excessive heat and climate change.

Experts are worried that the world’s average temperature will increase by 2.7 degrees Celsius this century because developed countries keep emitting greenhouse gases without limits. If this is true, Bangladesh will have to face many other disasters, including sinking of low-lying areas, food crisis.

Apart from economic crisis and war, climate change is the biggest fear in the world today. The latest victim is Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This city in Arabia is tumultuous due to floods caused by heavy rains.

Is it just Dubai? No country is immune to adverse weather conditions. Somewhere, fires caused by severe drought are burning thousands of hectares of forest. Somewhere people’s lives are disrupted due to severe snowfall.

In spite of being a cold country, the life of the people is hot in the summer. There is an increase in sea level and ice melting in polar regions. This is like a big weather fall.

Bangladesh is said to have six seasons, but the unique features of these seasons have been under threat for a long time. There are winters and monsoons, but summer has become the biggest fear in recent years.

A rise in temperature is normal at this time of the year, but the current heat is a breath of fresh air. There is no peace between cities and villages. Nature fed up with the harshness of nature. What is the cause of global climate change?

Chief Meteorologist of the Storm Warning Center of the Department of Meteorology. Shamim Hasan Bhuiyan said that the temperature is continuously increasing due to carbon emissions and chlorofluorocarbons. This is a big deal for accelerating climate change.

Global warming is causing winters to become shorter and summers to become longer and hotter. And one of the causes of this global warming is the adverse reaction of greenhouse gas. Bangladesh suffers from the harmful consequences of this gas, which is produced by developed and developing countries.

According to climate expert Ainun Nishat, the global average temperature has increased by 1.5 degrees compared to the normal temperature. Due to this climate change, there will be great changes in the weather.

The rainy season is about to undergo a transformation. The duration of Baishak (বৈশাখ) ‘s Strom period can fluctuate. Cyclones, floods, and river erosion may all increase in intensity.

Experts attribute climate change to the long-term impacts in many countries. They specifically point to continuous deforestation and the use of brick and stone in urban infrastructure, which lead to high temperatures. In addition to including climate change in the national action plan, stakeholders are emphasizing on greening.

In this regard, Ainun Nishat also said that every country in the world is being asked to make two plans. One is how to deal with adverse reactions. And the second is to reduce greenhouse gas.

Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury said that climate change is creating a struggle for us.

The government cannot solve this problem by legislation or punishment or financing alone. All people should come forward for this. They need to understand things.

Statistics show that in the last three decades, the green area has decreased by 66 percent in Dhaka North alone.

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