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6:51 am | March 3, 2025
The Green Page
The horseshoe crab is key to inventing the coronavirus vaccine
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Biodiversity

The horseshoe crab is key to inventing the coronavirus vaccine

The horseshoe crab is key to inventing the coronavirus vaccine

By Adnan Mahfuz

The world is in a stagnant situation today with the coronavirus epidemic pandemic. Efforts are already underway to find the antidote to the deadly virus. In the meantime, several organizations have started experimental vaccination. Among the things that have discussed to make a corona vaccine is an animal called Horseshoe crab.

This animal looks a lot like a horse’s hooves, where that is a type of crab. Although according to biologists, it looks like a crab, it is a sea Scorpio. The blood colour of this horseshoe crab is light blue.

The horseshoe crabs get oxygen with the help of a copper-containing hemocyanin. The blood colour of the umbilical crab appears blue due to the presence of this copper-linked hemocyanin.

Instead of white blood cells, they have a special cell called ‘amoebocyte’ in their blood, which can use to combat any germs in just 45 minutes.

This blue blood of the horseshoe crab is a very important element in medical science. And a very important ingredient in testing the effectiveness of various drugs and antidotes in the laboratory.

According to biologists, this horseshoe crab has survived on Earth for about 440 million years. That is why many scientists call it a ‘living fossil’.

Horseshoe crabs come to the shore only during the breeding period (at least ten years after birth). At this time, scientists collect blue blood from them and release them again.

The effectiveness of various drugs and antidotes tested in the laboratory by using the special antiseptic power of the blue blood of the crab.

Nowadays, the blue blood of horseshoe crabs has become an essential ingredient in the development of corona antidote!

Source: GreenPage

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