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6:03 am | March 29, 2025
The Green Page
to be planned for development by saving the environment
Bangladesh Environment Protection

To be planned for development by saving the environment

To be planned for development by saving the environment

Climate change is occurring in the development of rich and developed countries, which causes various natural climates, including global warming.

So, Bangladesh should plan and take the initiative for development programs taking climate change and environmental protection in the head.

Speakers said these in a panel discussion meeting at the closing ceremony of the Hope Festival organized by Brac.  This discussion meeting was held at the Dhaka Army stadium, where the actual subject was ‘Sustainability: Climate Change and Adaptation.’

The speaker’s opinion is to innovate climate change adaptive technologies, prepare environmentally friendly buildings design, and reduce fossil fuel usage.  And also, youngers should have to come forward to such innovative works which will be climate-friendly and environmentally protectable.

Syed Hasan, Executive of Bangladesh Paribesh Ayengibi Samity-PABA said, “If we discuss with Mosquitos how to eliminate malaria disease, it never be eliminated.

Such as, we would fail in reducing emissions if we discuss it with the delegates of fossil fuels Companies.  The developed countries should have taken liability for the climate change-affected countries.

Simultaneously, we must combine our talent, energy, and organization to mitigate climate change effects and  adaptation programs, not only wait for their compensation money.”

Emphasizing the construction of cyclone-tolerable houses and ensuring the drinking water supply in coastal areas of Bangladesh, Liakat Ali, Director of Brac climate change effects mitigation program,  said, “Brac is being constructed as such type of houses for coastal peoples.”

 “We also create facilitation to harvest rainwater in there.

We should have to find more solutions like this protecting from climate change effects and mitigate it,” he added.

Mr. Farouque Ali, Chairman of the Architecture Department of Brac University, said, “A great part of world energy is being used to produce house-building materials and electricity supply in human settlements.

So, therefore, if we produce environment-friendly materials that need less energy to produce, it will solve many problems of this.”

Khondaker Hasibul Kabir, a lecturer at Brac University, said, “In heritage, our villagers started building houses with brushes, earth, and bamboo.  But they were tending day by day to build homes with tins.

This type of house harms the environment and exceeds 4 degrees Celsius more hits than earth build houses.  So, we will have to tend to build environment-friendly low-cost housing.”

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