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7:28 am | March 5, 2025
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we have to protect haor, river, land, sultana kamal
Bangladesh Environment Protection

We have to protect Haor, River, Land: Sultana Kamal

We have to protect Haor, River, Land: Sultana Kamal

Advocate Sultana Kamal, Advisor of the former caretaker government of Bangladesh, commented that all the natural resources are owned by the people, and these resources should be protected by the people. She said, “I have to protect my Haor, river, land.”

She said these things in the speech of the chief guest in a public meeting organized to demand the protection of haor, river, and agricultural land in Sunamganj District, Bangladesh.

This public meeting was held on February 3, 2024, at Baluchar near Barek Tila of Baradal North Union of Tahirpur Upazila of the district. Dharitri Raksha Amara (Dhara- a newly formed Bangladeshi NGO working on Environment and Climate Change protection) in and local Badaghat and Baradal North Union Parishad (UP) jointly organized this public meeting. Sultana Kamal is the president of the advisory board of Dhara.

Addressing the local residents present at the public meeting, Sultana Kamal said, “Never allow others to rob your wealth, do not go with robbers. Protect your wealth with integrity. You are the children of this place; this region creates opportunities for you to earn a living.”

“So, this area is very important for you. You are also important to this region. So, you have to say firmly, no harm will be done to this place, no activities will be allowed to continue in this place, which will take away our sustenance, ” she added.

Urging to unite to stop those who are doing mischief with nature, Sultana Kamal also said, “Those who are doing mischief with nature, in some places they may be stronger than us. But the people of this country are the owners of the country.”

“Therefore, you will clearly fulfill the responsibility of the owner and take the initiative to protect the river, haor, and agricultural land. When we are enmity with nature, nature also pushes us towards more crisis instead of giving us its resources,” she described.

Sharif Jamil, the chief moderator of the meeting, said in his speech that every year since 2008, during the monsoons in this region, huge sand and stones are coming along with the mountain landslides, and the haor, river, river, and agricultural land are being filled. This major natural disaster has created a human disaster in the region.

“As soon as unplanned mining of sand and stones with machines is stopped, immediate steps should be taken to rehabilitate and reclaim agricultural land.

International action needs to be taken urgently to stop the silting of the magical river and the Tanguar Haor by sand and rock from the unplanned mineral extraction in Meghalaya, India, he demanded.

Mr. Nizam Uddin, Chairman of Badaghat UP presided over the public meeting as the main speaker was Sharif Jamil, Member Secretary of Catch Convening Committee and Coordinator of WATERKEEPERS BANGLADESH.

Professor Nazia Chowdhury, a teacher at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Father Joseph Gomez, member of the executive committee and regional coordinator of the Tribal Environment Protection Movement, Father Joseph Gomez, Abdul Karim Chowdhury, a member of the executive committee and organizer of the civil movement, gave speeches as special guests.

The program was conducted by Tofazzal Sohail, coordinator of ‘Haor Rakshaye Amra’. Before this, the guests went to the Golabari area of ​​Tanguar Haor of the upazila. There he talked with the local people about how to protect the nature and environment of Haor.

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