Air pollution causing more than 7 million premature death worldwide
Air pollution is emerging as one of the most critical environmental threats to public health around the world following climate change. Air pollution is one of the most critical environmental threats to human health.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 7 million people worldwide die prematurely each year from air pollution alone. The organization has further strengthened the Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) to improve air quality worldwide to address this problem.
After releasing the new AQGs, the global organization urged urgent actions to prevent severe air pollution. Because every indicator of air quality around the world is down, it is adversely affecting public health. The decreased air quality is creating more health risks than unhealthy foods and smoking.
The WHO believes that the new air quality guidelines will protect millions of people from the harmful effects of air pollution. At the same time, it will help governments to set minimum legal limits to fight air pollution. Will reduce health risks. It will save the lives of millions of people.
AQGS was last published by WHO in 2005. The organization says based on the data collected for 16 years since 2005; it is the need of the hour to take effective action to prevent air pollution. It is not limited to any particular country or region but to the whole world.
The new AQGS recommends improving air quality from six pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
According to WHO, climate change and air pollution are now emerging as one of the most critical environmental threats to public health worldwide. Tedros Adhanam Gebreasus, head of the WHO, said that “Air pollution is a threat to public health in all countries. However, it will create is more extreme situations in low- and middle-income countries.”