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Dhaka, Bangladesh
3:46 am | March 10, 2025
The Green Page
Hungry dogs ate four deers

Hungry dogs ate four deers in the Central Park cum Zoo at Rajshahi in BANGLADESH

Hungry dogs ate four deers in the Central Park cum Zoo at Rajshahi in BANGLADESH

The dogs have eaten deer in Shaheed A.H.M Qamaruzzaman Central Park cum Zoo. Bones of deer have been buried inside deer courtyard. There were 75 deer in Shaheed A.H.M Qamaruzzaman Central Park and Zoo situated in Rajshahi. Since the dogs ate 4 deer there are now 71 deer.

Shaheed A.H M Qamaruzzaman Central Park and Zoo are running under Rajshahi City Corporation. Secretary of the city corporation has asked a written report from the caretaker of the zoo on this matter.

According to information provided by workers of the zoo, dogs did not get away to go out after eating the 4 deer. They were put out in the morning. 15 deer babies were born within three months. There were 75 deer including 15 deer babies. Currently, the number is 71.

When it was asked that how dogs had entered into the Park, the secretary of Rajshahi City Corporation, Abu Hayat Md. Rohomotullah, informed, “he had inspected the venue.” He also said, “away had been created to carry construction elements.”

“Then the road had been closed by bamboo. It is supposed that bamboo had been damaged or that had been broken when dogs tried to enter. They entered through this way. According to the information from the secretary, there are 4-5 dogs in the zoo.

Usually, dogs eat food provided by men. Since a ban on visitors into the park due to COVID 19 Coronavirus, they remained hungry for a long time. And for this reason, they may have attacked the children of deer. When the dogs were eating them, their mother went there. Then they attacked their mother.

He said about dogs, “it is hard to put out the dogs.” “Because the zoo is too large.” “Nevertheless we have to try to take them out.”

He informed that the dogs could not be killed because of the order of the court. But the observer had been told to give a written report. After getting the report, the necessary steps will be taken according to that report.

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