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Emergency Instructions to Prevent Cattle Lumpy Skin DiseaseEmergency Instructions to Prevent Cattle Lumpy Skin Disease
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environmental Problems

Emergency Instructions to Prevent Cattle Lumpy Skin Disease

Emergency Instructions to Prevent Cattle Lumpy Skin Disease

By Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir

The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock of Bangladesh has directed the Department of Livestock Services (DLS) to take urgent measures to prevent the spread of lumpy skin disease in cattle. At the same time, it has directed to take the measures required to treat animals affected by this disease.

The ministry issued some instructions on Wednesday and sent it to the Department of Livestock Services (DLS).

Cattles Lumpy Skin Disease outbreaks at Nandail, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Cattles Lumpy Skin Disease

The issued instructions have directed to form a Veterinary Medical Team in each union in the affected area. The team will lead by an Upazila Livestock Officer or a Veterinary Surgeon or a Livestock Extension Officer combined with Sub-Assistant Livestock Officer or Veterinary Field Assistant or Field Assistant.

The medical team will lead to ensure treatment by visiting every cattle infected with lumpy skin disease. Besides, Divisional and District Livestock officers asked to monitor the medical work around the clock.

If necessary, the livestock officers/employees of the adjoining districts or Upazilas also been instructed to be assigned to the medical team to the affected Districts or Upazilas.

At the same time, the concerned livestock department asked to send a list of cattle owners that treated daily to the ministry along with the name, mobile number, and address.

In Sadar, Khansama, and Bochaganj Upazillas of Dinajpur district, there has been an outbreak of lumpy skin disease in cattle.

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