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environment day 2022
Aivee Akther Natural Environment Rahman Mahfuz

Environment Day 2022

Environment Day, 2022

Rahman Mahfuz, An Environmentalist, Environmental and Financial Topic writer, Engineer, and a social worker and Organizer

 Today is World Environment Day. Every year on June 5, this day celebrates as World Environment Day. Since 1974, this day has been observed annually under the United Nations’ auspices to raise awareness among the human race for environmental protection and encourage environmental development initiatives.

From June 5 to June 16, 1972, the United Nations held the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. At the conference, discussions occurred on the human environment interactions and degradation of the environment.

And decisions have been taken to reduce environmental degradation and enhance its development. On account it at the end of the conference a declaration had taken called the Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment.

It was first established in 1973 to raise awareness of environmental issues such as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable use of resources, and destruction of wildlife.

Since 1974, Every year on this day, a theme has been set for the business community, NGOs, governments, and celebrities to speak out for global environmental development by preventing environmental damage.

The theme for World Environment Day 2022 is “Only One Earth (#OnlyOneEarth).”

World Environment Day 2022 is a global campaign using the #OnlyOneEarth theme to call for transformative changes in policies and choices to live a clean, green, and sustainable life in harmony with nature. Interestingly, the current theme is precisely the same as the theme in 1974.

The significance of the theme #OnlyOneEarth is:

There are billions of galaxies in the universe, and we have billions of planets in our galaxy, but there is only one Earth. There is no second Earth for us to live in. So, it must take care of.

At present, Earth faces a triple planetary emergency:

  • The world is warming very fast, and the climate changes rapidly. It is becoming harder for humans and nature to adapt;
  • Habitats of animals, including humans, are being lost, and many species are already extinct, with nearly 1 million more threatened with extinction;
  • Pollution poisons the Earth’s air, water, and land. As a result, the existence of all creatures on Earth, including humankind, is under threat of existence.

The way out of this situation is to transform our society and economy by making it sustainable with an inclusive nature and environment, by further integrating it with nature based on fairness.

The damage to the environment can prevent and can improve. We must move from harming the planet to healing it. All that is needed is the will of humans.

People have to give up greed, excessive lust for comfort, and the desire to grow bigger. With the advancement of technology, it is possible to have a beautiful life without pollution at an increasingly affordable price.

All that is needed is the development of the thinking and willpower of humankind to develop a pollution-free environment.

The good news is that solutions and technologies exist and are increasingly affordable. Last but not least, #OnlyOneEarth is World Environment Day 2022 campaign.

It calls for global collective, transformational action to celebrate, protect and restore our planet.

(Translated by Aivee Akther)

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