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11:10 pm | February 18, 2025
The Green Page
foreign minister of bangladesh calls for international assistance in tackling the climate crisis
Aivee Akther International Environment

Foreign Minister of Bangladesh calls for international assistance in tackling the climate crisis

Foreign Minister of Bangladesh calls for international assistance in tackling the climate crisis


Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen called on world leaders for more international partnerships and assistance for climate-risk countries like Bangladesh.

The Foreign Minister recently raised the issue during the third day of a panel discussion on climate crisis at the 58th International Security Conference in Munich, Germany.

The Foreign Minister claimed that climate change poses a security threat to the world.

 “We are seeing the potential consequences of climate change in different parts of the world. Industrialized nations are polluting the global climate by emitting more carbon dioxide, which is harmful to the climate,” the foreign minister added.

During the panel discussion on Climate Crisis, the Foreign Minister continued and said there is needed assistance to build international partnerships to ensure financing and technology for a climate risk country like Bangladesh. He called on world leaders to help in this regard.

In the discussion, the speakers identified climate change as a threat to the existence of the earth and humankind.

At a panel session on climate change, Foreign Minister Momen asked his US and German counterparts whether the escalation of Ukraine’s tensions would negatively impact the climate. He called for ways to get out of the Corona pandemic and be administered worldwide.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Schultz called on the United States to address the situation in Ukraine. “At the moment, it is more important for us to work together, not for war, but to get rid of the Corona pandemic around the world and to deal with the climate situation,” he said.

Since 1963, The Munich Security Conference has been happening as an initiative taken by the German government. The Munich Security Conference is an open forum. Representatives of different world countries exchanged views and discussed bilateral and multilateral issues.

It presented various proposals on security in the regional and international arenas at the conference.

The heads of state, ministers, and representatives of various levels of society from 40 countries have attended the conference. Wolfgang Isinger, president of the conference, said: “The long-awaited effort to establish peace and security through dialogue is not over yet.”

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