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The Green Page
Four hundred whales died in Tasmania, Australia
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environmental Problems

Four hundred whales died in Tasmania, Australia

Four hundred whales died in Tasmania, Australia

Adnan Mahfuz

The BBC reported the information on Wednesday (September 23). Hundreds of pilot whales stranded off the west coast of Tasmania Island on Monday (September 21).

Rescue workers were able to save 50 whales till Wednesday. Marine biologists are trying to save about 30 surviving whales.

“As long as there are live animals, the rescue operation will continue,” said Tasmanian government officials.

Meanwhile, it is not known why the whales came ashore. Although whales become a common occurrence in the region, so many whales have not seen rising from the sea in the last decade. The last time about 200 whales stranded in Tasmania was in 2009.

On Monday, rescuers first found about 270 whales stranded. Later on Tuesday (September 22), another 200 whales were found dead nearby through observing by the helicopter.

Rescue workers are trying to take the mammals from the shelf into deep water by pushing them through the machine. A team of about 60 skilled rescue workers is working on it. So far, they have been able to repatriate about 50 whales.

Rescue workers from the Tasmanian Maritime Conservation Program spotted the first 270 whales in three groups in an area called Macquarie Heads on Monday.

There are no roads or watercraft to reach that remote part of the island. About 200 whales found it stranded on the shelf, and 30 more were seen hundreds of meters away. Another 30 whales spotted at a place called Ocean Beach.

Most whales are in “relatively inaccessible places”, making it a challenge for rescuers. Pilot whales can grow up to 7 meters (23 feet) tall and weigh up to 3 tons (3000 kg).

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