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2:32 pm | March 4, 2025
The Green Page
Hundreds of Tamarisk Trees are disappearing
Environmental crime Zeba Tarannum

Hundreds of Tamarisk Trees are disappearing; Cox’s Bazar Sea beach is losing its Beauty day by day

Hundreds of Tamarisk Trees are disappearing; Cox’s Bazar Sea beach is losing its Beauty day by day

By Zeba Tarunnum

Cox’s Bazar sea beach is losing its beauty. Thousands of tamarisk trees from the beach are disappearing. Tamarisk orchard, known as the green belt of the world’s longest sea beach, is again in the grip of sea erosion.

Due to the recent Cyclone Yaas and ‘Purnima’s’ tidal waves, hundreds of tamarisk trees have been washed away in various areas, including Kabita Chattar and Diabetic Point of Cox’s Bazar. Experts believe it will have a huge impact on the environment along with the losing of the beauty of the sea beach.

About 120 km sea beach from Cox’s Bazar to Teknaf, tamarisk tree is standing like a green fence along the beach. Along with the beach, the tamarisk orchard is also giving a glimpse of extraordinary beauty to the tourists.

It has been seen by visiting the spot, due to the grip of the sea, a big disaster has hit the tamarisk orchard of Nazirartek, Samitipara, Charpara, and Diabetic Hospitals and from Shaibal Point to Laboni Point of the beach.

Around 6 thousand trees have disappeared from these areas in the last 2 years. Besides, in different tourist spots like Himchhari, Panchardwip, Inani Beach, and from Mankhali to Teknaf, the tamarisk garden has been affected by erosion, destruction, and occupation.

Humayun Shikder, an Environmental Journalist and a resident of Nazirartek, said, erosion has been taking place on the beach since the 1980s and it increases in the rainy season every year.

He added, more than 1 km of tamarisk tree at different places has been disappeared in the last 2 years due to the ongoing erosion, especially from Samitipara to Shaibal Point, there has been a lot of damage due to the destruction of tamarisk trees.

More than 0.5 million trees have been disappeared from 120 km long sea beach, the Queen of stunning and breath-taking views, due to the erosion in the last four decades.

On the other hand, due to illegal occupation and building houses in the tamarisk garden, the world’s largest sea beach is losing its beauty day by day. Hundreds of tamarisk trees are being destroyed not only by occupation but also by becoming the victim of these illegal occupiers.

According to the Forest Department, since 1974, about 0.70 million saplings have been planted across Cox’s Bazar beach. However, due to erosion and deforestation by unscrupulous people, there are now only 20,000 trees. The Forest Department is concerned about this.

Md. Humayun Kabir, Divisional Officer of Cox’s Bazar Forest Department, said, more than 300 trees have been disappeared from different areas of the beach due to the effect of cyclone Yaas. Besides this, 13 hectares of area orchards have been damaged due to the cyclone Yass.

Sheikh Muhammad Nazmul Huda, Deputy Director of Cox’s Bazar Environment Department, said, the water is overflowing as the sea level rises due to the effect of climate change at different times. The free movement of tourists on the beach and cutting the herbs from the dunes by some unscrupulous people are ruining the dunes of the beach.

Beach creepers, shrubs, and bush hold the dunes on the beach. Nevertheless, due to the extinction of these shrubs, erosion is taking place, he added.

The Environment Department official added, due to the erosion, the beauty of the beach is being ruined.

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