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Dhaka, Bangladesh
6:03 am | March 11, 2025
The Green Page
illegally making dry fish by burning wood
Aivee Akther Environmental crime

Illegally making dry fish by burning wood

Illegally making dry fish by burning wood


On the coast beside the Sundarban at Shyamnagar in Satkhira, Bangladesh, seasonal fishers illegally made several huts to make dry fish. They constantly make dried fish from raw sea fish by burning wood in those huts built by harming the environment. Pedestrians are continuously sufferings from the smoke of dry fish huts on the side of the road.

Asim Biswas of Paikgachha in Khulna and Babul Mandal in Jhapa village of Shyamnagar have built four and Anadi Mandal in Bilati of Burigoalini have built four dry fish huts along the road of Mahendrasil in Atulia Union of Shyamnagar Upazila.

Every day, around 3 to 4 tons of shrimp are drying by illegally burning hundreds of tons of wood in those huts. However, those huts are running without clearance from the Department of Environment Bangladesh.

Pedestrian Abul Hasan said that “Due to drying of shrimps in the wood fire every day on the side of the road, the environment is ruining. At the same time, the locals have become restless due to this.”

In this context, Mohan Kumar Mandal, a local environmental activist and executive director of a non-governmental organization Leaders, said, “This way fish are drying by burning wood every day will cause an environmental catastrophe. Instead of any modern technologies, they stick to wood burning.”

Asim Biswas, the dry fish hut owner, said, “We dry the fish with the permission of the Sanitary Inspector. However, we do not have any documents.”

In this context, Shahidul Islam, Assistant Commissioner (Land) of Shyamnagar, said, “It is illegal to ruin the environment by burning wood. We will take immediate action in this regard.

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