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The Green Page
in cop 26 conference fulfilled, many demands of bangladesh
Aivee Akther Bangladesh

In COP-26 conference fulfilled, many demands of Bangladesh: Environment Minister Bangladesh

In COP-26 conference fulfilled, many demands of Bangladesh: Environment Minister Bangladesh


Md Shahab Uddin, Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Bangladesh, said, “Although this year’s UN climate conference did not meet the expectations, Bangladesh’s long-standing demands have met.”

He spoke as the chief guest at a workshop on “World Climate Conference (COP 26): Expectations, Receipts and Future Action Plans”, a ministry press release informed.

The 26th Conference of the Parties (COP) has held from 31 October to 13 November in Glasgow, United Kingdom. The Glasgow Climate Agreement was unanimously adopted at the end of the overtime negotiations as there was no consensus on the draft agreement in due course.

The Environment Minister said, “In the light of the expectations and achievements of the World Climate Conference, we have to fix our future action plan now.

We need to start working to address all possible risks. We need to adapt and implement effective adaptation and mitigation measures to tackle climate change with our limited capacity, not just relying on global climate finance.”

The Minister of Environment said that for the first time in this conference, the “Glasgow-Sharm Al Sheikh Work Program on the Global Goal on Adaptation” set global goals related to the Global Goals on Adaptation.

“The conference asked the member states to develop ambitious and robust plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius within this century,” The minister continued.

“Furthermore, by this time, it finished the Paris Agreement’s rule book by this time, and the mechanisms, methods, and recommendations of Article 6 (Market and Non-Market Mechanism),” he added.

“In addition to doubling the adaptation financing of rich and industrialized countries to tackle climate change in developing countries, the various decision texts of COP-26 emphasize the need for a 50:50 balance between adaptation and mitigation financing,” he further said.

He also said, “Set up an ad hoc work program for the period 2022-24 to set a  new targets for climate finance in developed countries and called on rich countries to at least double the amount allocated to climate fund by 2025.”

Minister Shahab Uddin said 141 countries, including Bangladesh, had ratified the Glasgow Leaders Declaration on Forests and Land use at the conference.

At the same time, Bangladesh has actively participated in various meetings on ‘Loss and Damage’ related to climate change and rehabilitation and relocation of the affected people, and adequate progress got made in the discussions related to the conference.

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