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Migratory birds are enriching and balancing our nature and biodiversity
Bangladesh Environment Protection

Migratory birds are enriching and balancing our nature and biodiversity

Migratory birds are enriching and balancing our nature and biodiversity – Environment Minister, Bangladesh

By Zeba Tarannum

Every year at different seasons, including the winter, various Migratory Birds  of various species from different environments fly to Bangladesh, travel a long distance from Siberia and Europe in search of survival, which enriches our nature and Biodiversity..

Md. Shahab Uddin, Minister of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

(MoEFCC), Bangladesh, said, with effective government initiatives to conserve these migratory birds, bird-killing has now significantly reduced and is currently under control. However, if the individual awareness increases, the killing that is taking place will completely stop.

The Environment Minister said all this at an online discussion meeting organized by the Forest Department under MoEFCC, on World Migratory Bird Day 2021 on May 08, 2021.

The Minister promised and committed to protecting the habitat of these birds and steps for necessary afforestation to protect the environment. He said we want to stop the killing of birds with everyone’s cooperation.

Referring to various initiatives of government taken at different times for conservation of birds, the Environment Minister said, out of 711 species of birds, including the residential and migratory birds, 650 species of birds are included as protected animals in the schedule of the Bangladesh Wildlife (Conservation and Security) Act, 2012. For hunting/killing migratory birds, Provision has made for a maximum of 1-year imprisonment or a fine up to Tk. 1 lakh (Tk.10.00 lakh= Tk.1.00 Million).

He added, ‘For the conservation of migratory birds, Sonadia Island, Nijhum Dwip, Tanguar Haor, Hail Haor Wildlife Sanctuary,  Ganguirar Char  of Bangladesh has been declared as East Asian- Australian Flyway Site.’

The Minister said, ‘For research on migratory birds immigration, a bird census and bird ringing and most importantly, GPS satellite tagging are being done. By which can obtain various information about migratory birds.’

The Minister said, ‘Regular expedition is being conducted across the country to prevent illegal hunting and trade. The culprits are being caught red-handed and are being imprisoned and fined by mobile courts. As a result, this kind of crime has reduced a lot. Under the MoEFCC, Bangladesh, roads meetings, rallies, discussion meetings and training are being organized at the field level to make the local people aware of the conservation of migratory birds.

In the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the Government of Bangladesh paid a compensation of Tk.3.18 lakh to the affected families of the tree owners where the Snell birds’ (Owners get letters of bird’s nest rent money)  made their habitats in Bagha Upazila of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. The government provides incentives for the conservation of wildlife, including birds.

The Minister said, ‘Bangladesh banned the production and sale of Diclofenac,  a deadly drug for vultures across the country and declared two vulture save zones in the Sundarbans  and Sylhet.  To conduct rescue and rehabilitation activities of sick and injured vultures, a rescue and identification centre has set up at  Singra Upazila  in Dinajpur.’

The Minister added, ‘Bangladesh cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal to stop producing harmful Ketoprofen drug to protect vultures on February 8, 2021.’

Begum Habibun Nahar, Deputy of MoEFCC, Secretary Ziaul Hasan NDC, Mukit Majumder Babu, Chairman of Nature and Life Foundation, Inam Al Haq, Founder of Bangladesh Bird Club and Dr SM Iqbal Promuk, President of Bangladesh Biodiversity Conservation Federation were present as special guests at the discussion meeting chaired by Chief Conservator of Forests Md. Amir Hossain Chowdhury.

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