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The Green Page
NASA and ISRO Started Working Together
Environmental Science

NASA and ISRO Started Working Together to Get a More Accurate Forecast of Natural Disasters in the World

NASA and ISRO Started Working Together to Get a More Accurate Forecast of Natural Disasters in the World

By Adnan Tazvir

A warning was possible to issue for the powerful Cyclone Yaas that made landfall in Odisha and brought significant impacts to West Bengal of India recently. That is why it was possible to take all measures in advance to deal with the disaster. Data analysis of satellite images is a great source of this work.

The direction of the storm can be understood very accurately by looking at the satellite images and based on the advanced measures were taken to deal with its disastrous effects. Even then, occasional satellite images can be a big problem with very little misinterpretation.

More advanced technology is needed to eliminate this problem. NASA –  Indian Space Research Organisation  (ISRO) has started working together to meet that need. NASA is responsible for improving the radar system; ISRO will help them with various information.

NASA-ISRO Joint Project Name – NASA ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR ). Now the satellites that are working i.e. all the satellites under the NASA Earth Observatory  give weather forecasts to different countries of the world.

Because all systems are single. In that case, the countries have no separate rights. In this case, everyone works jointly. Countries around the world are working to develop the system to get more accurate forecasts via satellite as the weather changes.

The satellite system has been built by NASA guidelines and observations since 2017. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will work with NASA to improve it.

NASA said in a statement that it was “difficult to predict” natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides. The same is true of melting ice. This joint mission is to cut out through this complexity.

The joint venture NISAR will be able to furthermore assist in making any decision by looking at satellite images through its advanced technology. Two radars will be provided by ISRO. Through which it will be understood what changes will take place in every half-inch of the earth’s surface.

Therefore, it is going to be much more effective in case of vibration or eruption. This is a joint venture of NASA and ISRO to better understand the forecast of natural disasters along with climate change.

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