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The Green Page
only international co operation can prevent plastic pollution
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Protection

Only international co-operation can prevent plastic pollution: Environment Minister, Bangladesh 

Only international co-operation can prevent plastic pollution: Environment Minister, Bangladesh


Md Shahab Uddin, Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Bangladesh, said, “An international co-operation can prevent plastic pollution. Bangladesh has always played a positive role in this regard and will also support the Global Plastics Agreement at the UN Environment Conference, COP26 .”

He spoke these as a chief guest at an online meeting organized by the Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO on December 12, 2021.  ESDO organized the event to discuss the (Fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly) UNEA-5.2 and the World Plastics Agreement.

The Environment Minister said, “The Bangladesh government has always actively participated in the previous sessions. We will also work to prevent plastic pollution by participating in the upcoming fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly. Hopefully, the world’s countries will support the need for a global agreement. “

According to David Azul, Managing Attorney at the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), the Geneva Bangladesh government needs to focus specifically on the use of fishing equipment and cheap plastics in the textile industry for discussion at the upcoming UN Environment and Environmental lawyer has called for national intervention in the global plastics treaty.

Professor Steve Fletcher, professor of oceanography and economics at the University of Portsmouth, emphasized how the agreement could tackle the global climate crisis.

Vito A. Busante, a policy and technical advisor to iPen, gave an idea about the World Plastics Agreement and the toxic effects of plastics.  Md. Ziaul Haque, Director of the Department of Environment, spoke about the views of the Bangladesh government on plastic pollution and prevention.

HE ITO Naoki, Japan’s ambassador to Bangladesh, said, “The world alone cannot cope with this crisis. We should see what other countries have done and worked together to fulfill the Global Plastics Agreement. “

Md. Moniruzzaman, Additional Secretary of MoEFCC, Bangladesh, was an honorable guest at the meeting. He said, “The Nordic, Caribbean and African regions are joining the high-level ministerial announcement. Therefore, Bangladesh is not alone in the Convention on Plastic Pollution.”

Syed Marghub Morshed, Chairperson of ESDO, gave a welcome speech on occasion. He said, ‘It is a matter of concern that Bangladesh is one of the plastic-contaminated countries in South Asia. The pollution situation is getting worsen day by day. Plastic pollution is a global problem, and the solution must adopt globally. ”

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