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Dhaka, Bangladesh
8:38 am | October 12, 2024
The Green Page
The Ozone Layer Becoming Thicker as Reducing of Atmospheric Pollution Due To COVID-19

The Ozone Layer Becoming Thicker Due To COVID-19 Coronavirus

The Ozone Layer Becoming Thicker as Reducing of Atmospheric Pollution Due To COVID-19

The ozone layer of the atmosphere is healing reducing the bad effect of pollution. Lockdown is going on in many countries for Corona. Lots of vehicles, mills, and factories are closed.

The Ozone Layer Becoming Thicker Due To COVID-19

as a result, the rate of air pollution has been decreased. Scientists are claiming that it is positively affecting the Ozone layer and the environment. This study has been found in recent research. Which part of the Ozone layer was wounded that part had been repaired completely?

An observer of CIRES (The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) of Lerado Bolder University informed that the environment is improving with a significant change of weather had been noticed in the southern hemisphere.

He added that which hole was created in the Ozone layer due to air pollution that is being repaired gradually. For this reason, the world’s living beings and the environment would be saved from the worst disaster.

Which lockdown mode has been started in the earth for Corona that made us to see that pollution has been minimized and as a result world is getting its original form.

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