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The Green Page
plastic pollution is becoming increasingly frightening
Aivee Akther Environment Pollution

Plastic pollution is becoming increasingly frightening

Plastic pollution is becoming increasingly frightening


 The existence of plastic particles in our blood cells points out the terrible extent of plastic waste. Various media are now talking about this issue.

But what is the right way to solve the problem? It is not only necessary to formulate a policy, but should bind everyone by the rope of that rule.

Disposable plastic bags have already been banned in some countries. But these are isolated incidents. The use of plastic has increased so much in Bangladesh, but the concerned authorities did not attempt enough to protect it.

They have neither been able to stop its productions nor its uses. Asking people to stop using plastics and trying to make them aware means just trying to fill water in many perforated containers. Because the various benefits of plastic have entered the human habit.

The history of synthetic plastics, without which today’s world is useless, is not very old. The first synthesis of plastic was made in 1906 by the Belgian-American chemist Leo Beckland.

Although synthetic plastic production started in the twenties of the last century, its use has increased considerably since the forties, in the sixties, the production of plastics increased 20 times, and now every person is living in a plastic-dependent world.

The combined sales of the first 50 plastics companies are now about a trillion dollars a year. In this way, by 2040, plastic production will increase 20 times more than today. The ‘plastic civilization’ of the consumerist world is taking the fauna to an extreme.

It is unclear what message the state leaders gave by picking plastic on the beach without rushing to the production. They even failed to ban the use of plastics below 50 microns. In that case, it is a ridiculous step to ask people to be ‘aware’ day after day.

Henderson Island is a small, uninhabited island in the heart of the South Pacific Ocean. There is no human settlement within three thousand miles of it. But 19 tons of waste are scattered along its shores, where about 37 million pieces of plastic of different sizes.

Two-thirds of the plastic that reaches the sea comes from the 20 most polluted rivers in the world. Of them, 15 are from Asia. Not only the rivers and seas but also 2,270 species, including human lives-endangering every day by this eroding pollution.

It seems practically impossible for us to go back to our old days of self-reliance by discarding plastic and returning glass or tin bottles, jute, and paper bags.

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